Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Taryn Alert! Taryn Alert! Taryn Alert!


Taryn, You're driving us all crazy. You are the furthest thing from a "creator", with that dangerously creative mind. You've accused everybody under the sun of action so egregious and heinous that these items are obviously first and foremost in your bizarre and destructive mind. Nobody wants to take your crazy bulloney and feed it to what is precious to them. You couldn't have made it any more obvious that your objective was financial and efforts were for professional and political gain. A lot of people have been hurt by your antics. Remember what you had to say about some of the members of the BPD, Taryn? One in particular?

I'll take you on any day, Taryn. You are one of the most self-centered, arrogant and obnoxious lunatics that I have ever known. You make Janet Joakim look like a stand up gal. Your drunken obstreperous husband makes Ron Howell's occasional temper tantrum subsequent to you constantly attacking his wife and children look like child's play. His a choirboy compared to you, Taryn.

"Shoot to kill"? Nobody considers that a threat, Taryn, so don't qualify your comments on your socially retarded blog. No one takes you seriously. If the residents of 22 Mountain Ash Road, and their ilk, were anything other than the gang who cannot shoot straight it would be a problem. But your not! You have no capacity to cooperate ,whatsoever, and you spend all of your time trying to tearing and ripping innocent children to shreds.

I don't have time today to post. I worked this morning. You remember don't you? You referred to my job as a clerk's job and threatened my employment? In the car...on the way to turn in those recall signatures? You know, Taryn, the job that paid for materials for eight years as I researched the substandard and negligent services of Housing Assistance Corporation? Remember them, stupid? Hillary Greene? Stupid? Remember me paying for most of the items including documentation of liens, gasoline, beer and cigarettes for you? You highfalutin,glory seeking, high maintenance, ingrate?

Quit picking on the children at Mountain Ash Road, Taryn. You are no "victim"!

Posted by: Not even wasting my prayers on the likes of Taryn! | 04/28/2009 at 06:11 PM