Thursday, April 23, 2009

Homeless in Hyannis!

(Click on the images to enlarge)
The following letter was forwarded to Town Manager, John Klimm in regard to public safety.

Mary Clements
72 North Street
Hyannis, MA 02601

October 21, 2003

John Klimm
Manager of the Town of Barnstable
367 Main Street
Town Hall
Hyannis, MA 02601

Dear Mr. Klimm,

I understand you are under pressure to move The NOAH Campus from the downtown area to begin renovations on the “Walkway to the Sea” project to revitalize the tourist industry in the Hyannis area. I am unsure that it is prudent to promote expansion of any kind in regard to HAC/DUFFY/PILOT. Please take an opportunity to review some of the materials presented in regard to practices at this substandard human service establishment. I have enclosed a letter to the Chief Finnegan with a series of photographs of drug use in broad daylight that is common on any given day.

Please try to pay attention to some of the promises that HAC has made to the residents of Sandwich that clients of Dana’s Field’s that are unsuitable and cannot maintain a contract for recovery will be driven back to the newly renovated Mildred’s Chowder House. Review the architectural plans for Livia Davis and Tom Brigham’s four and three bedroom homes respectively and the price tag for this project. 80% of these current clients of NOAH will not be able to be considered for potential candidacy at Dana’s Fields. The vast majority would be excluded because of federally mandated HUD CORI checks and otherwise preempted by Chief Miller of the Sandwich Police Department. Although the shelter would no longer be concentrated in the downtown area overnight, their clients will most certainly find the drug action. It has already been suggested by staff knowledgeable in regard to this population that clients will continue to camp in the downtown area overnight.

Please review the quotes verbatim of Judy Best and Alan Burt in the materials provided. Enjoy the picturesque scene reminiscent of “knights at the round table” and their “amazing experience”. I can honestly tell you they brought me a true understanding of “peace and justice” issues. When you see the rehabilitation, let me know.


Mary Clements


Mary Clements
72 North Street
Hyannis, MA 0261

December 17, 2003

Mr. Gary Brown
Barnstable Town Council
Barnstable Town Hall
367 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02616

Dear Mr. Brown,

I have been following the crisis involving the homeless in Hyannis and have noted your comments regarding practicality and feasibility of renovating the Mildred’s Chowder House into an expanded center serving this needy population. Please consider the materials enclosed in addition to documents and information that have been forwarded to you via Mr. Gonzaga/Stuart Bornstein.

I understand that you have lobbied for state funds and requested assistance from associated government agencies to meet this regional problem. I would ask you to review any and all pertinent documentation that may suggest that the negligent standards of the predominant human service establishment may be complicit by precipitating the current crisis. It is entirely possible that the not-for-profit Housing Assistance Corporation and its associated spin off industry “The Duffy Health Clinic” may have created the current crisis by providing substandard services and negligent practices. Please review tax forms provided.

The organization often appears to serve as a charitable industry that rehabilitates the disenfranchised of society. The joint organizations have instead promoted an industry that generated a clientele and cash flow while providing services so negligent that vulnerable clients were forced out into the streets to make room for additional clients. The conditions at the shelter were indeed so hostile that emotionally and psychologically ill clients suffered exacerbation of their individual conditions. Please review documentation of policies and practices including my health records at said shelter. When the problem reached compelling proportions Town Officials and Law Enforcement Personnel responded appropriately and effectively to protect both client health and public safety.

The human service advocates supporting this substandard agency generated sufficient public outcry in regard to unfairness that more municipal resources were provided to support the negligent practices and substandard organization. This resulted in not only promotion of the status quo, but also forced the town and taxpayer to support and provide services to a clientele already mismanaged by the Housing Assistance Corporation. Meanwhile the organization pursued its spin-off Dana’s Field Project at a price tag of 11.5 million. Please review the architectural designs for the personal homes planned for two HAC Executives at a price tag of $578,000 and $482,000 respectively. Mr. Presbrey stated in the Sandwich Zoning Board proceedings that HAC takes a $200,000 loss annually by keeping the shelter open as “favor” to the town of Hyannis.

Please review all documents to procure funding for NOAH/DUFFY and the State Budget appropriations for these organizations. The organization has promised the residents of the Town of Sandwich that the clients that fail at rehabilitation will be returned to the NOAH Facility here in Hyannis. The combined human service organizations applying for funds for the Pilot House/NOAH expanded center indeed disputed that many if not most of the clients they have been serving are not rehabilitated and have not been provided effective treatment and services. Please review documents pertaining to the quality of services rendered in what intended to be a brief stay at NOAH. Livia Davis of Housing Assistance Corporation has promised extensive background checks by the Dana’s Fields Advisory Board with CORI checks performed by two parties on of which would be Chief Miller of the Sandwich Police Department. This agreement for public safety would preclude the majority of clients from becoming eligible for the consideration in the application process for the farm where Livia Davis and Tom Brigham and their respective families intend to make their prospective homes.

It appears that we may need to limit the number of “incoming wounded”. There is substantial evidence the shelter is operating at such a negligent standard that it presents a great risk to both vulnerable clients and an unsuspecting community. The Barnstable Human Services Needs Subcommittee was already addressing problems regarding homelessness at the time I began to notice grave deficiencies in services at the shelter. Livia Davis informed me that the organization was not going to send in another representative to the meeting because the meetings were becoming “accusatory in nature”. She did have Rick Brigham attend the meeting scheduled for the following morning where the decision to dismantle the camps was virtually made.

The town indeed followed a plan to “clean up the camps and to identify homeless in need”. The shelter Director Rick Brigham is on record in the Cape Cod Times supporting the effort but stated that the organization was at capacity and essentially not responsible for the crisis. There was a cry for financial support and a relief effort established by the Council of Churches. Housing Assistance Corporation continued to focus on an expansion project such as “Dana’s Fields. It appears that HAC has deliberately or inadvertently increased the number and the morbidity of people that have yet to be served, treated or rehabilitated. It appears that their strategy was to continue to do so at the expense of clients and the community in which they function.

I am recommending closure of the NOAH Shelter with an alternative system put in place. Funds that have been allocated to Housing Assistance Corporation can be redirected through federal receivership or court injunction. I recommend a network of permanent houses set up such as group homes that could provide necessary services. Ms. Heather Lowe who works for Baybridge and is connected with VINFEN has served on the Barnstable Human Service Needs Committee can give you a more comprehensive approach to what can be achieved for vulnerable and disadvantaged clients. Jemma Lambert also serving on the Barnstable Human Services Task Force has expertise in the field of gerontology and aging and I have confidence that she could provide you with a high standard with services that have been traditionally procured for the elderly. This most often does not include banning them for Maalox or eating a banana after bedtime.

The majority of clients are indeed struggling with criminal backgrounds and progressive sociopathic illness. The immersion of such personalities into a network where narcotics are plentiful and abundant is foolhardy at best. In an atmosphere or climate where a hostile and aggressive climate will further exacerbate existing conditions for not only the individual but also the community. Alan Burt states, “criminal halfway houses that were traditionally established for parolees have not proven successful for rehabilitation.” I am unsure that an innovative highly structured program instituted for this clientele that separates them from potential victims would not be more effective that allowing parolees to roam and rule the streets. It may be time for the human service industry and the community at large to concede that these individuals need to be returned to the auspices of the Department of Corrections.


Mary Clements, RN

cc. John Klimm
Chief John Finnegan
Sergeant Sean Sweeney
David Daly, Esq.
Representative Thomas George, Esq.
Michael O’Keefe, Esq.
Paul Niedwicki, Esq.
William Henchy, Esq.
Stuart Bornstein
Arthur Tonini
Philip Magano

Mary Clements
72 North Street
Hyannis, MA 02616

December 19, 2003

Mr. Alan Burt
Barnstable County Courthouse
Rt. 6A
Barnstable, MA 02616

Dear Alan,

I have enclosed some documents that have been previously forwarded to a number of parties regarding the homeless crisis here in Hyannis. Some may be persuaded that the current human service establishment may indeed be so substandard and negligent in operation that it is doing so at risk to the entire community. I realize that we have great differences in philosophy as to what course of action would best meet the needs of this difficult to serve population. Some legislators and elected officials may be unsure as to how to proceed in regard to this issue and in particular the human service monopoly Housing Assistance Corporation they have so far zealously supported.

I recall you laughed during an advocacy meeting for homeless clientele when a young man named Aaron recounted his plight. He was unreasonably banned at the mercy of Paulette Heath. Ms. Heath had a predisposition to target vulnerable clients and an established history of abusing clients as she saw fit. I remember distinctly that her insistence on continuing this pattern provoked my ire and your amusement. Please refer to letters written previously regarding the quality of staff at NOAH.

I appreciate that you attempted to understand that my “unreasonable anger” toward this grossly negligent and substandard organization. I know we had many discussions where at times I agreed that there is some level of unfairness directed toward the homeless. You insist that this includes not only the community in general, but also town officials, law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel. I know that you pressured Mr. Royden Richardson of District 4 to have the “foyer” opened after NOAH refused to accommodate the clients removed from the woods after the dismantling of the makeshift camps. You told me these were desperate times. You also pushed for the premature opening of the Pilot House and you stated that the Fire Department was being unreasonable in regard to fire safety laws. You confided in me that this resulted in a “rather angry call this morning from Mr. Richardson.”

I know that the Fire Department can be real sticklers about fire safety. They have chided me on two occasions for dismantling my smoke/heat detectors on a spot check after Mr.Wayne Viera set the alarms off smoking narcotics in a neighboring apartment. You will recall that Glenda McMullen, a parolee from Framingham, also an active crack addict and narcotics dealer maintains an apartment adjacent to the evicted Mr. Viera. She is also not rehabilitated by HAC/DUFFY or the probation department of which you were her supervising officer. Mr. Viera is now residing at The Pilot House.

It is true that fire personnel respond with tremendous alacrity when lives including their own are at risk. I remember when you were criticizing the fire personnel for enforcing stringent fire safety policies you suggested that department personnel were deliberately targeting the homeless. You went so far to suggest that the Fire Department’s requisition requesting and expensive thermal imaging unit at a price tag over $10,000 was “outrageous and ludicrous”. You stated the money could better be spent “helping the homeless”. You also challenged churches to dismiss the admonitions of fire personnel in regard to the “Overnights of Hospitality”. I reminded you of the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire where eleven men lost their lives trying to rescue two homeless squatters. The two intoxicated individuals in question had started the fire and fled. They observed the disaster over drinks from a nearby bar. The two survivors were nearly charged with negligent homicide. Approximately two weeks before Hyannis’ very own candle factory inferno your words verbatim included:

“The loss of life is always tragic. The Homeless are incapable of
understanding the consequences of their actions. The fire fighters
are paid well for what they do. Do you have any idea how much
those guys make?”

You continue to condemn the actions of law enforcement and the public works department at the discretion of the Barnstable Town Manager, John Klimm. Mr. Klimm is on record approving the police action to dismantle the makeshift camps in an effort to recognize the magnitude of the crisis and initiate a relief effort. As the town began to make concessions and accommodations you continued to criticize the action of town officials while demanding more resources to expand and negligent albeit over-saturated human service monopoly.

You did indeed suggest that the Fire Department stigmatized Tim Furlan and his girlfriend Roxanne by referring to them as “homeless” in the accounts in the newspaper after a fire started in the abandoned candle factory. You stated that they should have been referred to simply as “two people who happened to be in the candle factory when the blaze began”. You also said the event was not very good PR for The Overnights of Hospitality Program. I suggested that these types of disasters may be the impetus for the thermal imaging units requested by the fire department. You then stated “ I forgot about that!” All of the town’s services will use this to get more municipal funds.”

You lost my support completely when you recruited members of The Council of Churches to resist the scheduled clean up of neighborhoods. You labeled the follow up event to survey the camps as “an effort to target the homeless.” You placed in writing a phone number where church member could complain to the police department about their “slick and deceptive” action of the part of law enforcement. Livia Davis spoke about the importance of the “Dana’s Field’s Project at this particular Saturday meeting at the Federated Church. The handout with your comments resisting this effort was last in the possession of Sergeant Sean Sweeney.

Lastly, I have enclosed Friday’s article commending the Hyannis Firefighters for their honor and valor rescuing Tim Furlan with a Thermal Imaging Unit. Publicity on six brave firemen who used not only cutting-edge technology but also sound judgment must really insult your sensibilities.

I know you consider yourself to be an outspoken advocate for the homeless and a quiet supporter of Housing Assistance Corporation(HAC) formerly known of as Cape Housing Office Assistance (CHAOS). There are times when I have come to rely on you for not only what to think but also how I am supposed to feel. I recognize on behalf of CHAOS that the Almighty Alan Burt has spoken.


Mary Clements

cc. Chief Howard Brunelle
Chief John Finnegan
Sergeant Sean Sweeney
John Klimm, Town Manager
Gary Brown
Royden Richardson

Mary Clements
241D Stevens Street
Hyannis, MA 02601

March 24, 2004

Chief John Finnegan
PO Box B
1200 Phinney’s Lane
Hyannis, MA 02601

Dear Chief Finnegan,

Yesterday afternoon I left notice with your secretary that I was forwarding documents to offended parties in regard to The NOAH Shelter. As you are aware, Mr. Rick Presbrey of Housing Assistance Corporation has stated publicly that I am irresponsible for suggesting that there is a concentration of sex offenders and the NOAH Shelter and that you are willing to state emphatically that this is not true.

Please review the materials provided. A uniformed police officer has stated that Paul Nolin has been traced to the shelter. A number of habitual clients remember Paul Nolin and others have identified him from a series of pictures that I presented. I have included a request made to my bank for a transaction photo of the check paid to Mr. Leon Quick by The Duffy Clinic for services.

It appears that public safety is becoming a priority for parents and children on downtown Main Street.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Mary Clements

cc. Philip Tracy
Nancy Paccia
Gary Brown
Michael O’Keefe, Esq.
Paul Niedwicki, Esq.

(Leon Quick, Level III Sex Offender, Well Known to NOAH Shelter and Duffy Clinic.
Mary Clements
241D Stevens Street
Hyannis, MA 02601

August 10, 2004

Nancy Paccia
48 Gully Lane
Sandwich, MA 02563

Dear Ms. Paccia,

Several months ago I forwarded some documents to you in regard to clients at Housing Assistance Corporation’s NOAH Shelter. You may recall that the Duffy Clinic associated with the organization has denied knowledge of Mr. Leon Quick despite employing him briefly as a handyman. It is true that Mr. Quick imbibed in alcohol abuse at The Duck Inn Pub adjacent to the Sturgis Charter School attended by your daughter. I remember listening to your frustration that Mr. Quick was recently released, again, after accosting your child in the Ways News Convenience Store. You were frustrated because the judge ruled that “alcoholism was not a crime” and that Leon had been staring at children through binoculars from his apartment next to the school and pub.

I recall agreeing with you that your child was indeed lucky and kept her wits about her and identified Mr. Quick after the incident in the principal’s office of her school. I also remembered suggesting to you that there are a lot of concerned citizens and child advocates that understood your predicament. I told you that your child should hope and trust that the problem with such offenders would some day be resolved. It’s a frightening thought that although your child was lucky, not all children will be as fortunate. It’s difficult to live with the fear and guilt knowing that a person or child beside you may not be as lucky.

The organization is now sponsoring an effort to establish a new non-profit and intends to lobby for a “wet shelter” on South Street within walking distance to your child’s school. On the following page was an article on tracking sex offenders and that a new Level III offender was tracked to NOAH. He refused to register properly and was arrested on the following day. I have enclosed the article detailing how he was arrested after a report from an alert citizen in Yarmouth. Mr. Rick Presbrey stated that I was “irresponsible” for suggesting that there are any serious sex offenders tracked to NOAH. He stated for the record that The Barnstable Police Department would verify that there were no serious convicted felons or sex offenders living at or around his organization. He states that there was no greater propensity of such individuals living homeless in state subsidized shelters. We are now aware that there is a concentration of convicted felons in the downtown area in proximity to several schools and businesses. He did not respond to my suggestion that sex offenders are homeless when released from prison. Mr. Presbrey plans to serve as president of the new non-profit.

The Chief of Police in Barnstable negotiated a significant salary increase at or around the decision to pursue the Mildred’s Chowder House as a site for expanded services. The FAA blocked this effort in conjunction with attorneys representing Stuart Bornstein of The Radisson Hotel, Holly Management, and Village Market Place LLP. He is a well-known real estate developer with interests in keeping public safety a priority near his hotel. The site on South Street is also in proximity to his residential properties and I intend to keep Mr. Borstein’s attorney apprised of further proliferation and expansion of the industry. Mr. Tom Lynch of the Barnstable Housing Authority is on record stating that he his sensitive to the location of the proposed “wet shelter” in regard to its proximity to the commercial and business district. I am forwarding this correspondence to Mr. William Henchy, Esq. representing the interests of The Sandwich Family Association. Expansion of the industry and creation of a new non-profit affects his client and I am aware that you make your home in the neighboring town of Sandwich.

Please review the photographs provided and correspondence to public officials in regard to public safety and NOAH. I have forwarded this information to Representative Jeff Perry of Sandwich and Governor Mitt Romney. You suggested that you might want to contact town officials in Barnstable yourself in regard to public health and safety issues as they affect your child. I have enclosed the Guide to Barnstable should you decide to take such initiative. Town Councilor Anne Canedy has demonstrated sensitivity to public safety issues and taken the initiative to escort the Barnstable Police Officers in patrol cars to appreciate the difficulties facing law enforcement.

Paul Niedzwicki, Esq. is the new Assistant Town Manager and was formerly associated with District Attorney Michael O’Keefe’s office. The District Attorney did request deference to this organization. This was before the serious nature of such offenders was made known and before Jonathan Wessner was murdered in Falmouth. Please understand that Paul Nolin was formerly known to the Salvation Army/NOAH Campus. The Sex Offender Registry Notifications Board was revamped after this incident.

Town Manager John Klimm has expressed frustration with political impediments to revitalization and gentrification of the downtown and Greater Barnstable and Business Improvement District’s Executive Director Cynthia Cole has attempted to contribute skills and resources to improve the quality of human services and reconcile the interests of downtown development with the organization in question. As you can see, the clients and advocates continue to be problematic despite her efforts and have taken advantage of community resources. This can be demonstrated by the photographs of a number of serious offenders lurking and loitering in the downtown areas. Sergeant Sean Sweeney of the Barnstable Police Department has requested copies of all photographs produced in three years of research on the non-profit formerly known as Cape Housing Assistance Office Services (CHAOS.) Barnstable Town Council President Gary Brown has emerged as a strong leader and adopted a no nonsense approach to the “homeless cause”.

There are a number of mature and responsible individuals willing to listen to your thoughts on public safety, your daughter and her classmates and friends. Please reassure your child that common sense in regard to public safety issues will prevail in Hyannis, Sandwich and the Greater Cape Region.


Mary Clements

cc. President Gary Brown, Barnstable Town Council
Sergeant Sean Sweeney
Anne Canedy, Esq.
Paul Niedzwicki, Esq.
Representative Jeff Perry
John Klimm, Town Manager
Cynthia Cole
William Henchy, Esq.
Jason Talerman, Esq.