Thursday, April 23, 2009

Maybe a Little More Respect for the Mary Compiler Show!

By request and popular demand, I am reposting some of the older items available previously on There is an ongoing matter with Taryn Anne Thoman of Marstons Mills in the Barnstable District Court. Thoman focused much of the time on the stress and strain on members of law enforcement having to deal with the "dregs" of society on a daily basis in the Barnstable District Court.

Thoman developed a number of offensive YouTubes and obscene graphics referring to her neighbors and members of the Barnstable Town Council as "White Trash". This woman has extensive experience and comments in regard to the "No Place for Hate Committee" chaired by Councilor Janice Barton of Precinct Twelve.

Her Court Date for Criminal Harassment is set for Wednesday, April 29, 2008. It's Thoman's turn to answer to "the people", her peers, the slime and scum of society.