The item posted is featured on www.barnstable411.com regarding the eldest daughter of Ron and Christine Howell. Taryn Thoman and Dennis Wilcox engaged in a harassing vendetta against several neighborhood children in 2004. Eight year old Tyler Varnum is childhood friend and child confidante of their seven year old daughter, Alexa. Ron and Christine are parents who frequently entertained neighborhood children, including young Aidan Wilcox. Ron and Christine have a longstanding reputation for being nurturing and devoted parents with a style for welcoming their small friends and playmates into their home and well-maintained backyard.
Christine Howell, a maternity nurse, working nights per diem at local hospitals doubles at a daytime "stay at home" mother. Demanding, but worth the time and effort to provide care to her four small children. Alexa, her twelve year old, remains loyal to a lanky, and at times, shy and diffident childhood playmate. When Alexa, loyal and sensitive stood by her close friend despite vicious allegations of assault, Taryn Thoman began on another one of her malicious and cruel vendettas, this time against small children.
Clearly, you can review the items placed on www.barnstable411.com despite Taryn Thoman's claim to be a child advocate. Thoman and her husband, Dennis Wilcox have accused an entire neighborhood of vile and improper behavior of serious maginitude. Please review the email forwarded to me by Mr. Ron Howell after Taryn Thoman and Dennis Wilcox attempted to recruit the Howell's in their vendetta against an innocent eight year old and his parents.
To: maryclements@live.com
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:43:17 -0400
From: rchowell06@aol.com
Mary, this is Ron. On the day that this allegedly occurred Taryn was not home nor was here sister at the house. Christine and I were both working. My parents were watching the children and the Varnum family including both parents were home. Dennis had gone over to my house and asked that I contact him when I got home, which I did. Dennis asked me to come into his kitchen and began telling me this "story" about what had taken place. As usual, Dennis was three sheets to the wind. This was at the same time that Taryn and Dennis were desperately trying to get me and Christine to corroborate their story to DSS regarding the Varnum family. Dennis urged me to call the police immediately and report the incident. I told him "I would not do that and I would handle it." I could tell that he was very frustrated/agitated at the fact that I would not call the police. The last thing Dennis said to me was "Please join us in getting them." I again said to him "I told you I would handle it." I thanked him for his concern and left their home. It was at that very moment that I was certain that he was full of shit. Keep in mind that we have lived next to this family for 10 years at this point and never had any concern regarding the Varnum child. Sexual allegations and other things of that nature only came about when Taryn and Dennis moved on to Mountain Ash Rd. After that day, there was not a word spoken between us and Taryn or Dennis for approx. two weeks. At that point DSS was at our door for the first time.
-----Original Message-----
From: mary clements
To: rchowell06@aol.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:29 pm
Subject: RE: (no subject)
Hi Ron and Christine,
Taryn Thoman and her husband Dennis Wilcox are two of the most disgusting people I have ever met. I am working on a website that includes a number of allegations that she made against a number of people without using the names of the children or compromising in any way the people she accused. Taryn knows that she make people miserable just by making crude and unsubtantiated allegations. Your wife once told me that Taryn just despised Tyler Varnum for being a little bit lanky and at an awkward stage in his development. Christine said Thoman was gunning for Tyler all along.
I have a feeling, and I think you know, that Taryn has a long and demonstrated track record of being a bully. I think when she saw Tyler trying to fit in by joking around "pantsing" the neighborhood children, she went kooky because it reminds her of herself. Taryn talked a lot about learning how to "control her temper". At times I thought she was trying to warn me and bully me, sort of subtle threats and intimidation at how tough she actually really wants people to believe she is.
Taryn took one little dispute she had with a neighborhood child and took the drama to the stratosphere. It's her style.
I am more upset that the locals can't or won't use materials I have provided at trial. I feel like you are getting sandbagged because of information Thoman claimed to know a lot about, but didn't have any materials or corroborating evidence to back up. Most of what I forward to both you and Christine is provided so that you may at some point track her enough to prove she's the problem. I'm hoping you forward all materials to the BPD and I'm sure you have.
Almost everthing I confide in you I can prove with dates, times, people present that witness my version of what I can tell you. I was a little PO'ed the last time I emailed you because I had run into Milne in the post office and he avoided me. Then he told me that there just wasn't much he could do, he was just trying to "survive". (We just had a dead body taken out of my house adjacent to Cape Cod Child Development.) Go figure.
I'm hoping this issue with Thoman gets resolved before she gets any worse for all of you. It's obviously very disturbing for her to drag innocent children into her chaos.
My apologies to all of the children of Mountain Ash Road and sorrow over the offense to you and your loving parents. You should not have to live at the mercy of selfish adults.
Here is a letter I forwarded to Taryn Thoman. Consider it a "benefit of the doubt" letter after hearing her perverse woes about Aidan Wilcox, her ultimate "Kid of Convenience":
E. Mary Clements Griffin
75 Pearl Street #2
Hyannis, MA 02601
March 12, 2008
Ms. Taryn Thoman
22 Mountain Ash Road
Marstons Mills, MA 02601
Dear Ms. Thoman,
Please consider a sampling of the many pictures, correspondence, and complaints I have made over the past seven years in regard to public safety. I am tremendously sympathetic toward the compromise to Aidan’s health and well being. I appreciate the trust and faith that you had in me. Confiding intimate and personal details of such traumatic events can be disarming for anyone. I’m so hoping for an improvement in the standard for safety that you demand for all children.
I am impressed with your commitment to resolve matters pertaining to child health and welfare and I hope you will continue to make this an integral part of your future plans. I see great promise for you as an advocate for children’s rights. I wish you the best of luck.
Yours truly,
E. Mary Clements Griffin
cc. Ruth Weil, Esq.
and lastly...A PINWHEEL for ALEXA HOWELL!