Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
February 25, 2007
Mr. Alan Burt
Department of Probation
The Barnstable District Court
Barnstable, MA 02668
Dear Mr. Burt,
After reviewing your recent letter to the editor of the Barnstable Patriot, I am objecting to your insistence that “a child’s innocence” should be used in your pawn in your negotiation for funding and attention to the homeless cause. It has been my experience that “homeless” has become a euphemism for narcotics addicts, violent offenders, and convicted felons with sex offense histories. Often vulnerable women and men within the shelter system have been the victims of violent predators and are rarely recognized and heard. It has been clearly established that a substantial number of violent offenders including Level III Sex Offenders have been tied to the NOAH Shelter and have left a population of innocent children at risk.
In 2001, a Level III Sex Offender, Archibald Guillian and Anthony Matienzo, the notorious “Highway Shooter” lured a client into the woods with alcohol. They beat Steve Couture beyond recognition and left him for dead behind the Hyannis East Elementary School. Guillian, known by the alias “Tony” had been recently released from incarceration from Cedar Junction for a seven year prison term for Sexual Assault on a Child under the age of fourteen. Matienzo went on to deal narcotics to the Sea Street Area now known and referred to by the Barnstable Police as “Brockton by the Sea”.
Leon Quick, former client and paid handyman at the shelter, lured unsuspecting women into his car and began to collect women’s underclothing and stashed their undergarments under the front seat of his car. He attempted his routine on three different women before assaulting a thirteen year old child from the Sturgis Charter School in Ways News and Convenience Store on Main Street in 2003. Leon had served prison time for Sexual Assault of Child under the age of fourteen. The child’s mother, Nancy Paccia of Sandwich complained to me that Leon was often seen leering at the Sturgis Charter schoolgirls with binoculars from his rented room at 39 Pearl Street/Asa Bearse Lodging House. Leon was the former paid handyman at the Duffy Clinic. Judy Best, RN., BSN, FNP, CNS, your friend and colleague, denied that Mr. Quick was a client or employee at The Duffy Clinic. She maintained this position up until it was found that Leon was paid with a Duffy payroll check and I cashed it and deposited it in my account rather than drive a sex offender to the bank.
Bank of America was kind enough to provide me with a copy of the cancelled endorsed check. Leon had moved out of the shelter and often imbibed at the Duck Inn Pub on Main Street adjacent to the Sturgis Charter School. This was two years before he took a room at the Asa Bearse House located behind Sturgis Charter and within thirty feet of the school. This is the same boarding house that rented a room to Kenneth Trenholm, a Level III Sex Offender who was also released from incarceration for a child sex offense from The Barnstable County House of Correction. Trenholm claimed he would be staying at the shelter and was denied access. He was later found arrested for sleeping on the porch of a resident living on School Street.
As you know, Judy Best denied that Kendrick’s was indeed a crack house at the Mildred’s Chowder House Initiative and suggested that I was rather just simply a “disgruntled” client of the Duffy Clinic who refused to “live by rules”. As you are aware I was indeed banned from her establishment for donating and drinking soda on the premises. I spent five days in a crack house on Main Street terrified and slept face down as residents of the house used narcotics in the upstairs and known narcotics dealers frequented the house. To this day I am grateful to a known addict and convicted felon for letting me stay at her house. One of the residents was a paid staff member of NOAH who was later terminated for suspicion that he was stealing narcotics from client’s baggage. He is now a resident of the Bridgeport Project and attended your Overnights of Hospitality.
As I began to suggest that the shelter was dangerous, Judy disputed my recollections, publicly humiliated me and challenged my credibility. Not only did Judy Best violate rules on confidentiality and privacy in treatment during a public meeting, but a number of clients observed her making derisive and derogatory comments at me at the televised meeting. She continued to dispute my accounts of public safety problems associated with the shelter. Later that week I photographed former clients, Eddie Reed and Perry Bell freebasing in the backyard of my apartment complex at the Kendrick’s Building. Perry Bell is also a Level III Sex Offender.
The incident at the Airport Commission Meeting was so disturbing to me personally that I was forced to seek intensive therapy and emotional care. I was during that time that I met Shawn Schirmer, and accessory after the fact and a material witness in the homicide of Jonathan Wessner. Paul Nolin, the perpetrator convicted in the case was known to the Salvation Army Complex. Shawn Schirmer confided in me that he had indeed driven Nolin back to Falmouth from Brockton and that Nolin had confessed to the murder of “Jon”. Shirmer also confided to me that Paul Nolin had long been their drug contact. At the time, Judy Best was completing her clinical rotation in nurse psychiatry at Cape Cod Hospital. Judy Best told Shawn Shirmer that evidence material to the investigation of a homicide was a “confidential issue”. She suggested that he should seek shelter at the soon-to-be constructed Pilot House.
Judy Best told Schirmer that she would protect him from scrutiny while he recovered and instructed him to keep what he knew about the murder to himself. As you know, Judy claimed to have “connections” at the court house. Evidently, despite Mrs. Best-Lavigniac’s powerful connections, she knew little about obstruction of justice and was removed from her position of Executive Director of The Duffy Clinic after the conviction of Paul Nolin. The incidents on record are too numerous to describe in one letter.
I have saved documentation of pertinent incidents and have forwarded these accounts to a number of attorneys and individuals with interests pertaining to NOAH and Housing Assistance Corporation. One of these individuals is indeed Christopher Worthington, Esq., the father of the victim in the recently tried rape-homicide at Barnstable Superior Court. Christopher McCowan, the perpetrator convicted in the case was known to the Kendrick’s Building, The Salvation Army, and the properties adjacent to the shelter. As you are aware, the Salvation Army runs the Daystar Program, local soup kitchen and sponsors the “Overnights of Hospitality” of which you are in charge. As you know, Robert Smith of your Department of Probation supervised Christopher McCowan and diverted him into rehabilitation and treatment via Chris Jedson’s Drug Clinic three years after the homicide while the case was still under investigation. The District Attorney made disparaging remarks about the rape victim and was removed from the case.
Michael O'Keefe continued to focus on friends and acquaintances of the victim and made salacious and slanderous remarks about the victim and family. He proceeded with a controversial police dragnet to obtain DNA from as many men as possible living in the Truro Area. Meanwhile, the perpetrator lived at three addresses within two miles of the Barnstable Police Department. He was arrested three times by the Barnstable Police Department. O’Keefe also accepted a $50 campaign contribution from Maria Flook, author of Invisible Eden during the investigation and subsequently libelous remarks were printed about the Worthingtons. As you know, Miss Ava Gloria Worthington was left motherless after the incident.
Lastly, I have included an article where Rick Presbrey of Housing Assistance Corporation referred to Hyannis as performing “miracles”. Livia Davis was recorded in her office criticizing me for being “intolerant”. Her words verbatim included “Who are you to say that ‘predators’ don’t have just as many rights as their victims”. Livia was attempting to develop an 11.5 million dollar farm project at taxpayer expense, complete with a Sport’s Arena, Horse Stables and a four bedroom home for herself complete with a farmer’s style porch, fireplace, cathedral ceilings, and skylights. The price tag for her private home on the premises was $589,000. As you will recall, you called for support for Dana’s Field’s and resisted the dismantling of the makeshift camps. The majority of clients with substantial violent criminal records were to be screened out of the project by an applicant screening committee including Chief Michael Miller of the Sandwich Police Department. This means that most of the clients in those camps, the majority of your probationers, violent felons and illegal soda drinkers were precluded from admission to her expensive program.
Housing Assistance Corporation continued to bill per head for the surplus and abundance of homeless people while money and resources were routed to her “dream farm project”. Although the clients were required to sign a waiver under duress that they would not sue the shelter for claims such as negligence and depraved indifference, Livia herself is now suing Rick Presbrey of Housing Assistance Corporation for wrongful termination.
Please note the recent firing of Chief John Finnegan. As I claimed, Finnegan clearly had questionable financial dealings and negotiated a lucrative pay increase under Roy Richardson. As you know, then Town Council President served on the Board of Trustees of the Salvation Army with Chief John Finnegan. You may review the articles enclosed form the Barnstable Patriot. You claimed “Roy” was instrumental in your life as a probation officer after you had faced 25 to life in a Texas Prison. Your former Probation Officer and Former Town Council President Roy Richardson has a sealed criminal record for Child Molestation and was dismissed as a probation officer subsequent to the charge. Lou Cataldo was the Clerk Magistrate at the time and remembers the incident well. Sheriff Jack DeMello sealed the record to protect his own position and legacy.
I am forwarding a copy of this correspondence to Mr. Paul Niedzwicki, The Barnstable Assistant Town Manager. As an attorney, he should understand the implications of obstruction of justice in regard to Ms. Best, and the negligent homicide and depraved indifference of Livia Davis and Rick Presbrey. Mr. Niedzwicki is certainly skilled in the consequences and repercussions of “influence peddling”. His former boss, Henri Rauschenbach stood trial for influence peddling in 1994 and was acquitted. Obviously a result of competent lawyering.
My insistence that you refrain from referring to the obligations of innocent children is no longer a polite request. It is now a demand.
Mary Clements
cc. Paul Niedzwicki, Esq.
Christopher Worthington, Esq.
Paul L. Riley, Esq.
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
July 11, 2006
Councilor Gary Brown
The Barnstable Town Hall
367 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Dear Councilor Brown,
I have noted the writings of Mr. Alan Burt in reference to your Precinct Report dated June 9, 2006 in The Barnstable Patriot. Mr. Burt insists that we reference scripture and biblical readings to guide our daily actions. He has preached and proselytized continually and has condemned local community leaders and elected officials for “unchristian” behavior.
Psalm 23 promises not only resolve in times of trouble but also compels us to pursue the path of “righteousness” for “His Namesake.” The final lines of the Psalm indicate the importance of fearing “no evil” and protection from “mine enemies”. Psalm 18 has similar tenets “The Lord is my rock and my salvation…I will pray to Him in times of trouble for protection from “mine enemies”. There is no part of the King James Bible that condones uncivil or bad behavior, nor are we expected to accept those who intentionally inflict harm as doing “God’s Will”.
I have forwarded photographs of individuals who have been problematic to me and others in Precinct 9. You have suggested publicly that NOAH/Salvation Army, the human service organizations on Winter Street have lowered property values, impeded commerce on Main Street and presented a public safety hazard for residents and tourist of your precinct. Even when attempting to be sensitive to the efforts of human service workers and their tenacious clientele you have faced undue criticism. The effort to compliment Councilor Barton and Mr. Burt was overlooked and Mr. Burt realized an opportunity to criticize your policies and advance his agenda.
Photographs of Holly Dupre, the new homeless advocate receiving extensive media attention were forwarded to you in the past. As you can see, she is sitting on the town green with known narcotics offenders. The account of the arrest of Arcenio Lopes is once again forwarded to you for your amusement. Wayne Viera, my former neighbor from 72 North Street, a known crack house has been frequenting the premises of my new home at 75 Pearl Street. The police have been summoned three times to the building. I have forwarded a record of his arrest. He physically attacked my neighbor, Joanne Langway in front of me and two other witnesses. Photographs include Mr. Viera and other BUMS sleeping on my front porch.
As you know, the shelter denied that any violent offenders and criminals were associated with their establishment. They referred to me as delusional for suggesting that several Level III sex offenders and others utilized the shelter. It helps to note that even when violent criminal offenders and narcotics offenders are not clients of the shelter, they are certainly attracted to the area. Note the photographs of Kenneth Trenholm riding his bicycle shirtless in the town green and Main Street. Mr. Trenholm attempted to seek shelter at NOAH but was later found sleeping on the porch of a private home on School Street. His latest known address was 39 Pearl Street, a boarding house adjacent to The Sturgis Charter School. As you are aware, Mr. Trenholm served prison time for indecent assault and attempt to rape a child under the age of 14.
Mr. Trenholm rented from the same local boarding house that Leon Quick rented two years ago. Leon was often seen stalking children of The Sturgis Charter School with binoculars from his bedroom and is photographed stalking women in front of the Hooters Restaurant. Leon worked for a while as a handyman at The Duffy Clinic and indeed I cashed a payroll check for him. He spent his earnings imbibing at The Duck Inn Pub adjacent to the Sturgis Charter School. You will note that another homeless sex offender is now working at The Duck Inn Pub and this is noted on his sex offender registry notifications form. Once again, the Duck Inn Pub is adjacent to the Sturgis Charter School. The Employment Service of The NOAH Shelter placed Mr. Quick at the Days Inn after he worked at The Duffy Clinic. As you can see, the Inn clearly advertises that “Kids Stay for Free”. The remainder of articles and photographs are for review as I have forwarded them in the past.
Mr. Burt wants to “remind you” of the insensitivity of the words you choose. I would like to remind you of the persistent public safety problem generated by NOAH clientele and their affiliations. I would like to remind both you and Mr. Burt of the liberal parameters granted by the First Amendment.
Lastly, three years ago, Mr. Burt asked me to play ten to twelve religious songs on my guitar so he could get publicity on cable television. He gave me an hours notice and I had been up the night before supervising the women clients of The Overnights of Hospitality hosted at the Salvation Army. After the taping of “The Jericho Show”, Mr. Burt took me out to dinner as a reward for my “hard work”. I had nothing to eat all day and offered to pay my own way at The Friendly’s Restaurant. He told me he slipped out and bought himself a sandwich earlier in the day, but didn’t want to bother me because I was “being so productive.” We decided on “The Pub 99” and I insisted that I pay my own way. Alan refused to accept my money insisting that the treat was on him. He chose a candlelit booth far at the back of the restaurant. I was so hungry I could have eaten a cow.
I indeed ordered the “steak tips” while he poured over the menu for twenty minutes unable to make up his mind. I finally convinced his to also order the steak tips. I was ready to pass out. He proceeded to tell me over this candlelit dinner that his “wife was dying of a terminal illness” and he was under tremendous strain and stress. I reminded him that I was a nurse and that I would be willing to drive his wife to her appointments and errands. His mouth hung open and he told me it was “a private matter” and that they were “not telling anyone of her illness”. He told me that working with the homeless was very stressful and that we as advocates needed time to “bond together”. He told me he had gone sailing with Bob Huff and Martha McKeon and he told me he “kept thinking” of me and that he “wished I were there.” He told me his wife was to sick to attend. Although Mr. Burt had a number of credit cards on him, he hunted through his wallet to find where he had placed his cash. I continued to offer money for the dinner but he refused to accept it.
He called on me on many occasions to accompany him to churches to speak with church members to promote the “Overnights of Hospitality”. Sometimes I played my guitar. He kept telling me he was “going to make a star” out of me. I asked him not to do me any favors. He bought me several lunches and continued to tell me he had a “depressed family”. He stressed the importance of “bonding experiences”. He told me his daughter Shauna had been committed to Taunton State Hospital and that his son Jordan was in DYS Custody soon to be paroled. He didn’t remember telling me that his wife was dying. He instead stated that she collected disability for a physical reason and that she also suffered from manic-depression. He said she worked under the table as a Home Health Aid.
Shortly after, I recognized his son Jordan from camping at Shawme-Crowell shopping with his mother and a friend in The Stop and Shop Supermarket. She was in better shape than I was and driving a nicer car. Clearly Mr. Burt had “The Pub 99” mixed up with “The Pub 69” and they do not have “Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery” in Alan’s bible.
Mary Clements