Saturday, August 29, 2009

Downfall of A Dynasty!

Flowers from God's Good Earth posted above are portrayed to support the infinite wisdon of the Maker, Alpha and Omega. Only those of such poor character as Ted Kennedy and Taryn Thoman could actually believe that electing a terrorist is anything other than an abomination to God himself. Only Taryn Thoman and her ilk expect deference to pure, unmitigated unbridled, evil!

Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street #2
Hyannis, MA 02601

March 12, 2008

Ms. Taryn Thoman
22 Mountain Ash Road
Marstons Mills, MA 02601

Dear Ms. Thoman,

Please consider a sampling of the many pictures, correspondence, and complaints I have made over the past seven years in regard to public safety. I am tremendously sympathetic toward the compromise to Aidan’s health and well being. I appreciate the trust and faith that you had in me. Confiding intimate and personal details of such traumatic events can be disarming for anyone. I’m so hoping for an improvement in the standard for safety that you demand for all children.

I am impressed with your commitment to resolve matters pertaining to child health and welfare and I hope you will continue to make this an integral part of your future plans. I see great promise for you as an advocate for children’s rights. I wish you the best of luck.

Yours truly,

Mary Clements

cc. Ruth Weil, Esq.

As it turned out, Taryn Anne Thoman of Marstons Mills had no concept of right from wrong whatsoever. Thoman demonstrates no concern whatsoever for the health, welfare, and safety of anybody, not even her own child. How Typical of the "Pro-Choice" contingent! The mantra for the National Organization for Women has become "Me First", and their bible is their new sequel sequel "My Body, Myself"!

Thoman has attempted to drag a number of innocent children and others into a Machiavellian game of "survival of the fittest". No doubt this Ohio State drop-out and sham of a woman expects deference to her own filthy tactics. I am attempting to secure the audiotape of the court hearings involving Thoman and her antics for presentation on this website. Clearly, not a well woman!

Mare, we could have told you Thommie was a user and a loser!

-Perry and Marvin!