Former Barnstable Town Council President Janet Swain Joakim has been less than sensitive to the interests of women, infants, and children. Joakim has been advised on numerous occasions that Housing Assistance Corporation's NOAH Shelter operated at a dangerous standard. The number of violent, convicted felons was remarkable, and public officials were admonished that firearms and narcotics infestation were prevalent on the streets of Hyannis. Rather than accept responsibility, Joakim attempted to cover up impropriety by inappropriate control of law enforcement.
Taryn Thoman, also a past contender for political positions developed a number of harassing videoclips and campaigned with behaviors that were clearly, below the bar. Clearly you can see that arguments over children's interests now plague Barnstable. Neither Joakim, nor Thoman demonstrated genuine sensitivity to the interests of youth. This website has posted a number of items that demonstrate insufficient concern for public safety. Janice Barton continues to campaign as the incumbent in Precinct Ten. The end result of intensive work on human services is John Norman, formerly of the Zoning Board of Appeals challenging her position.
The check posted above was photographed and posted by Taryn Thoman. Thoman's personal finances are equally as poor, and she is hardly solvent. The quality and standard for services in Barnstable remains less than stellar. The mere mention of improvement of police officers and law enforcement agents results in foul postings and comments on a number of websites. Unfortunately, my association with Citizen's for Open Government only resulted in more grief and discontent.
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street #2
Hyannis, MA 02601
July 11, 2008
Mr. Richard Clark
Chairman of the Barnstable Charter Commission
The Barnstable Town Hall
367 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Dear Mr. Clark
Clearly you have responded to the request of the people to consider change to the current town charter. Your efforts to embrace as many constituents, residents and voters as possible are gratefully acknowledged. We appreciate your comprehensive efforts to research and review the needs of this community before discussion and dialogue begins in regard to your findings. Your forbearance and patience has been outstanding. Much discussion among the body politic is controversial and at times contentious. I have enclosed a “letter to the editor” of the Barnstable Patriot that was printed in 2004. The author, Ken Moulton is commenting on the “smell of town hall corruption. Mr. Moulton writes in support of cronyism in town hall government and questions the qualifications and appointment of Paul Niedzwiecki as Assistant Town Manager.
My personal opinion is that Paul Niedzwiecki was eminently qualified and highly capable of serving in the capacity of Assistant Town Manager as he is with the Cape Cod Commission. Furthermore, he had the political acumen to know when to abruptly resign and run for cover when the smell of town hall corruption became a stench. The point has once again been made that nepotism is in play in regard to the current problems with the Zoning Board of Appeals. As you are aware 80% of the current sitting board of Appeals just resigned. Although I am a great proponent of improving child safety here in Barnstable, it appears that the issue of where liquor stores should be zoned was a matter of family proprietary interest and not one of public safety.
The sitting town council president and her colleagues is calling for more citizen involvement and requests that constituents consider sitting on boards and committees. Unfortunately, when critics disagree with the agenda and policies of the status quo, innocent people are deliberately attacked and maliciously maligned over the Internet. This can include attacks on innocent children. One candidate for the charter commission has a child who was referred to as a “kid of convenience” by the sitting town council president.
There is an even number of charter commissioners at this time. My understanding is that you may also be split on dramatic changes to the structure of city government. It is imperative that you unify and consider what is clearly in the interests of this great town. Citizens for Open Government is asking that you strongly consider more accountability, responsibility, and a unified comprehensive approach to government. We suggest that you strongly look toward approval of a charter providing for an elected mayor.
Mary Clements
These two tacky videos were developed and posted by Taryn Thoman of Marstons Mills. As you can see, there is no serious or genuine concern for any political issues between the likes of Janet Swain Joakim and Taryn Thoman. Two peas in a pod!