Mary Clements
241D Stevens Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
August 13, 2004
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush,
You engaged in a “War on Homelessness” and declared that you would solve this domestic problem in ten years. Please consider a number of documents enclosed pertaining to difficulties with the human service industry in Hyannis, Massachusetts.
As you know, your opponent, Senator John Kerry is using the theme, “Stronger at Home, Respected Abroad”. Please note domestic policies supported by Senator Kerry in regard to Housing and Urban Development and Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod have created chaos literally in Senator Kerry’s and Senator Kennedy’s backyard.
Senator Kerry has been a strong supporter of an organization formerly known of as Cape Housing Assistance Services (CHAOS) in Hyannis and has been instrumental in procuring funds for a negligent organization that has grossly mismanaged public funds. Downtown Hyannis has been overrun with narcotics offenders and homeless pedophiles while the organization pursued an $11.5 million farm project with one-half million-dollar homes for executives. The majority of the current homeless population used to generate funds for the organization would be precluded for application to the controversial project featured on CNN. Mrs. Livia Davis stated publicly that she did not wish to live with her family at the Dana’s Field’s Project with the worst of criminal offenders.
The organization has a long history of supporting “predator’s rights” over “victim’s rights” and billing the government accordingly. The organization lobbied for a larger “holding shelter “or” wet shelter “for” inappropriate “and” unrehabilitated client and deceived the taxpaying community by publicly stating that there were no significant criminals housed at the NOAH Shelter. As you review in the materials provided, there are significant felons and sex offenders preying on the community within a mile from the Kennedy Compound. The Chief of Police in Barnstable was provided with a $120,000 raise over six years as negotiated by Royden Richardson (D-Precinct 4, Centerville) to push the project through without consideration for public safety.
Please review all documents pertaining to this substandard organization and related safety concerns. The clinic associated with the shelter prescribes narcotics liberally to convicted felons and narcotics addicts at government expense. There have been several significant tragedies related to malfeasance. Documents have been included for your consideration.
If you have been preoccupied with foreign affairs and international relations in the Mid-East to solve the homeless crisis as promised, maybe you could alleviate some of the CHAOS created in the good Senator’s backyard.
Good luck with the upcoming convention in New York.
Your loyal supporter,
Mary Clements
cc. Senator John Kerry
Senator Edward Kennedy
State Senator Rob O’Leary
Congressman Bill Delahunt
Governor Mitt Romney
Mr. Gary Brown, President of the Barnstable Town Council
Sergeant Sean Sweeney
Mary Clements
72 North Street #9
Hyannis, MA 02601
November 25, 2003
Mr. Rick Presbrey
Housing Assistance Corporation
Hyannis, MA 02601
Dear Mr. Presbrey,
I have forwarded the names of pedophiles that I encountered while I was a client at the tax funded NOAH Shelter. As you know there have been demonstrated substantial difficulties with the sex offender registry that have resulted in devastating tragedies for victims in recent weeks. Not all sex offenders have registered with the board. In fact Kathleen Hinckley of the Record Division of the Barnstable Police Department states that fewer that one fourth of sex offenders that must register are currently registered and that they are entitled to “due process” per the states Supreme Judicial Court ruling permitting all sex offenders to challenge their risk category. She states that the insidious problem and of dangerous criminals on the loose is much more serious than the current registry makes known to the general public.
Bob Lynch provided your Employment Specialist the statistics that I quoted at the meeting of the Airport Commission regarding NOAH. Bob since has told me that he does not remember quoting this and he must have done so casually when discussing demographics at the shelter. I don’t often mention staff’s names in public for fear of retaliation. Judy Best indeed called her employee Gisele Lynch to tell her the “kinds of things Mary is saying about Bob!” As you know Bob has access to all the CORI checks on people who are participants in the BID program.
I do not have knowledge or a full accounting of all the sex offenders at NOAH. My knowledge is limited to the offenders that frightened and intimidated me. I have provided a list of the offenders that accosted me in my tenure at NOAH and this percentage is calculated to 11%. Once again this list is far from exhaustive and is based on 80% of the demographics at that time having criminal records. I have forwarded to my attorney an accounting of the harassment I suffered at the hands of criminal offenders and pedophiles.
I am trying to understand how I am suddenly responsible for the clientele you allowed to assault others and me. I would like to know specifically how I could have been instrumental in preventing the crime that has been recently committed by Mr. Leon Quick a recidivist pedophile. I have also enclosed a reasonable explanation as to why you claim to be unaware of the gravity and magnitude of the criminal population at NOAH. Please refer to the newspaper articles regarding difficulties with the sex offender registry appearing after a devastating incident in Falmouth. Is this one of the occasions where your Executive Director Livia Davis states that I should be looking out for and concerned only with my own needs?
Mr. Quick had a sex offense history and had a staff job at NOAH without staff being aware of his recent requirement to register and be placed on the Sex Offender Registry Notifications Board. At the time will all knew Leon, he was yet to officially register. He continued to leer at women including myself on Main Street and on High School Road. I can’t help but think this 13-year-old child could have been spared the ordeal and that my knowledge of this man’s history that came to me serendipitously would have helped. He is one of many and she is only one child. One casualty is all I need to remember the helplessness that I felt when I was at the mercy of NOAH Staff and your entitled clients.
Mary Clements
cc. Chief John Finnegan
Sergeant Sean Sweeney
Michael O’Keefe, Esq.
David Daly, Esq.
Representative Thomas George, Esq.
William Henchy, Esq.
Jason Talerman, Esq.
Lou Gonzaga
Arthur Tonini
Thomas Lynch
Stuart Bornstein
John Klimm
Gary Brown
Gary Blazis
Commissioner William Dougherty
Senator Robert O’Leary
Mary Clements
72 North Street #9
Hyannis, MA 02616
December 16, 2003
Senator O’Leary
PO Box 61
Cummaquid, MA 02637
Dear Senator O’Leary,
I apologize for the late forwarding of a portion of materials that I have collected substantiating negligent practice at the HAC/NOAH/Duffy Clinic. I was unable to forward the documentation earlier because the Hyannis Post Office denied providing me with mail service on December 15, 2003 at 4:55 PM. I secured entry to the building and took a place in line, but a postal employee named Heather Spencer informed me the Post Office was indeed closed. I asked to speak to the supervisor and Ms. Spencer stated that she was “in charge”. I was unsure as to why I was provided with access to the main entrance and I explained that my watch showed time well before 5:00 PM. The existing line extended through the second postal door and into the main foyer and the window workers did indeed appear to be overwhelmed with customers. The lobby remains open for patrons who receive mail in post office boxes but remaining patrons must “consider the office closed.” Ms. Spencer stated she uses the post office clock to determine who has to get out of line. The time at that point was 5:02 on the post office clock and 4:55 by my watch.
I was in haste to mail these materials to you as your political adversaries already have access to the information provided. I was concerned as to how this might affect your political future as the material includes information about criminal histories of clients at NOAH. As you will recall, you have supported an expansion project for the human service agency Housing Assistance Corporation that manages NOAH. The criminal histories of these people include offenses as serious as pyromania, pedophilia, and active narcotics addiction and trafficking. Please refer to Mr. Presbrey’s statement that I am irresponsible for suggesting that NOAH presents a substantial risk to the community. He states that child molesters and other serious criminals are “no less likely to be homeless than any other sect of community.” He did not respond to my suggestion that parolees are often homeless when released from incarceration.
The hostile and chaotic climate at NOAH appears to exacerbate pre-existing conditions of clients and this may include worsening sociopathy. There is indeed an associated clinic that prescribes drugs to offenders quite liberally. The materials provided support this and documentation to support the statistics that I have suggested is enclosed. It can be difficult to remain politically viable when an elected candidate chooses to support and fund controversial programs that aid and abet illicit and illegal behavior. I appreciate the commitment and concern you maintain for these constituents.
In my concern for your political future, I neglected to mention one of your constituents; Mr. Larry Marston who I dubbed “Wacky Larry”. Mr. Marston is a client at HAC/NOAH who has been arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior at the very post office where I was denied mail service. Mr. Marston had a history of public masturbation and has been known to do so at this particular postal branch. His modus operandi includes smearing semen over the very post office boxes in said foyer. Ms. Spencer of the Hyannis Post Office should be able to verify this for you. My neighbor, Cecile Pierce, once again states that Larry is indeed a highly intelligent man but the “poor soul has a few emotional and psychological problems”. If necessary the Barnstable Police Department can corroborate that they have indeed have taken Mr. Marston into custody in a number of downtown locations including the Post Office and the Rest Room at the Hyannis Town Green.
Some of the Barnstable Police Officers have implied that indeed Mr. Marston (Wacky Larry) is not their favorite collar. I’m sure that this is just another example of the Barnstable Police refusing to “do their part” to help the homeless. The shelter did place Mr. Marston on a 20-minute schedule to accommodate his problem. Staff told me that they were trying not to “push a value system” on him despite his excessive maturbatory needs. You might say he has been “the butt” of many jokes. Unfortunately I last saw Mr. Marston three weeks ago walking on North Street late on a cold dark night despite the valiant efforts of the newly funded Pilot House serving the severely mentally ill.
I can’t say you engineer your political career and choose your political affiliations any more efficiently than the Postmaster manages the post office. When in comes to mismanagement and government “waste”, Mr. Presbrey must be your hero.
Good luck with your senatorial campaign.
Mary Clements
cc. Rick Presbrey
Heather Spencer
David Daly, Esq.
Chief John Finnegan
John Klimm
Lou Gonzaga et al
Most Town Politicos were too busy helping themselves to better careers to acknowledge any of these letters forwarded from the homeless! Thanks for responding by firing the inept and hiring more!
Is it "Free Speech" to call the politically inclined STUPID?
From: maryclements@live.com
To: maryclements@live.com
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:05:48 -0500
Arcenio Lopes
77 Winter Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
November 14, 2008
Mr. Sean Gonsalves
The Cape Cod Times
319 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Dear Mr. Gonsalves,
As you are aware, I attended the meeting on homelessness at the Federated Church on October 24th. My photograph and comments were on the front page of the Cape Cod Times the following morning. I am a Vietnam Veteran wounded in combat in 1969. I was not provided with sufficient medical and support services subsequent to my tour in the United States Marine Corp.
A number of homeless individuals have observed substandard, negligent and unfair treatment of vulnerable people at the local homeless shelter. We have also witness substantial impropriety that give cause for concern and contribute to such negligent services. The lack of coordination of services has once again failed and I continue to be a victim of substandard services.
Please note the enclosed correspondence and corroborating documentation.
Arcenio Lopes
Hey, Can you believe that years ago, law enforcement would have investigated corruption? Not if a Presbrey knows a Kennedy, sort of, and a Kennedy knows a Bush, and a Bush knows a Kerry, and a Joakim knows a Converse and a Converse knows a Lynch and a Lynch knows a Cole and a Cole knows an O'Leary, and an O'Leary knows an O'Keefe, and an O'Keefe wants to be a somebody, so he uses informants to make his case against a McCowan, and a McCowan doens't want to go to jail, but neither does a Presbrey, O'Keefe or an O'Leary. Certainly not a Lynch, or a Neidzwiecki or a Best-Lavigniac, and certainly not a Klimm or a Chilli or a Finnegan or a Thoman!
Has anybody noticed that the level of depravity in Barnstable has become and issue, or are you too busy these days?