Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Golddigger Like Taryn Thoman : Reduced to Mere Fish Food!


TARYN THOMAN of Marstons Mills, GOLDDIGGER EXTRODINAIRE, HAS BEEN REDUCED TO FISH FOOD BY A POLITICAL BARRACUDA FROM A MORE EXOTIC SCHOOL. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, but don't ever plan on baiting my man, Taryn. You messed with wrong Coddah, and his little pearls. The next time I have to tell you where to go, it will be another alternate personality. THE PIRANHA. Good luck to you, you spineless jellyfish. My apologies to your shrimp of a husband! You foul clam.

Taryn and Dennis Wilcox laugh at their child's dead gold fish. Follow the poem she has posted on Mother's Day after making a mockery of motherhood and her child...

A mother's love determines how
We love ourselves and others.
There is no sky we'll ever see
Not lit by that first love.

Stripped of love, the universe
Would drive us mad with pain;
But we are born into a world
That greets our cries with joy.

How much I owe you for the kiss
That told me who I was!
The greatest gift--a love of life--
Lay laughing in your eyes.

Because of you my world still has
The soft grace of your smile;
And every wind of fortune bears
The scent of your caress.

~ Nicholas Gordon