Monday, November 16, 2009
Here is the Real Reason Barnstable Will Never Have a Mayor! Colonel Eric Schwaab, Leader of the NAZI Party! "I Know Nothing"!
Meet Colonel Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab, Barnstable's answer to the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Schwaab maintains two formal addresses, Brighton and Barnstable. Neither community feels particularly fortunate to have this colossal, Hitler wannabe, claiming residence in a place, once called, civilization. Empathy is a good thing, the best of things. Brighton feels sorry for Barnstable, and clearly, vice versa. Barnstable sypathizes with poor Brighton. Story is that this divorced computer mogul hails from Texas and moved to the poor state of Massachusetts after a messy divorce. Like Dennis Wilcox, he claims to be the victim of a crazy wife.
In 2007, Eric Schwaab wreaked havoc on the otherwise sleepy town of Barnstable. Colonel Schwaab introduced a whole new era of insanity in municipal politics. Initially, Colonel Schwaab trounced Councilor James Munafo in the primary contest for Barnstable Municipal Town Councilor. Rumor has it that this website wizard, suspecting of inflicting computer viruses on unsuspecting victims, shelled out $8000 of his own money to unseat Jim Munafo of Precinct 3. I was there, in the Barnstable Town Hall when newcomer and political fledgling Eric Schwaab edged out the venerable Jim Munafor in the primary race 2007 by the following numbers:
Schwaab 120
Munafo 94
Hersey 89
From an older post on, Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab congratulates Gary Brown on his numbers in Precinct 3 as he ran for Tax Collector of the Town of Barnstable. He states that he was invited to Brown's Victory Party. Interesting, because I was a Brown donor ($100) and I attended Brown's Victory Party at the Island Merchant on the evening of his loss. Jim Munafo came in to a round of applause. I didn't see Barnstable's answer to Colonel Schultz there to console Gary, or congratulate Munafo. Incidentally, Munafor was quite cordial toward me. Didn't seem to afraid of the crazies. Then again, his wife is sane.
Colonel Eric Schwaab has been whining a case of sour grapes since his commanding loss to Jim Munafo in 2007. As it stands so far, this loser has been trounced in every effort he has made so far in his attempts to "better" Barnstable politics. If he had the brains to align with someone who knew vastly more than he did, former Barnstable Town Council President Janet Joakim clearly would have been asked to step down from her postition. Schwaab, a retarded spendthrift spent a lousy $500 initially in the effort to unseat Joakim. Schwaab gave $500 to help with expenses. Thoman immediately stepped up and claimed his lousy pocket change. This was after I had already spend close to $2000 of my own money to develop a recall strategy against Joakim. Citizens for Open Government, with Schwaab at the helm, lost an easy win to unseat Joakim. The failed effort was based strictly on the stupidity of this inept, incompetent "political handler".
Colonel Schwaab aligned and backed a trash act like Taryn Thoman. He sustained her loss not only in the charter commission contest, but everthing he has tried since. Trashy, tough talking Taryn Thoman attempted to pass off the work done in the "Recall Effort of Janet Joakim" as her work product. Thoman threantened and attempted to intimidate the wrong person. Thoman's constant barrage of vulgarities maintains as much history as her crazy antics. Schwaab's association with a woman, foreclosing on a house she cannot afford, failing at the Recall Effort, flunking as a political handler of Joe Pino, Tina Carey and Rob Anderson, Colonel Schwaab still doesn't get the message. Taryn Thoman and Eric Colonel Schwaab are now attempting to recall their one time faithful golden boy, Greg Milne. Clearly, Thoman has little understanding of the charter or municipal politics. Taryn Thoman attempted to force non-meritorious litigation on her neighbors. Neighbors, Ron and Christine Howell refused to attack a neighborhood eight year old of child molestation. Thoman then accused two other families of child molestation. She then retained an attorney to force injucntive relief on innocent neighbors. The attorney hired was a "deadbeat Dad" advocate. Having established being one himself, took the case virtually pro bono. Only a fool, like Colonel Schwaab, would back this continually failing loser.
Thoman was caught developing immature and obscene graphics of Janet Joakim. She also prides herself on the use of vulgarities and attempting to persuade others to use the same language. Colonel Schwaab, the website wizard, can easily identify IP addresses indicating Thoman uses foul language and outrageous vulgarities on the blogs. Yet, this perpetual loser, and his galpal "Taryn of the Toilets" continue to accuse and blame the innocent for their antics. Only a Internet Virus culprit, and a foreclosing trashy broad like Thoman with a history of making fake insurance claims, can really believe they have any credibility at all left in the Town of Barnstable.
Thoman dropped the unsuccessful effort at litigation when Eric Schwaab approached her to run for charter commission. Thoman knew little about municipal politics. The aging, third rate, stage musician grasped at yet another chance to steal the limelight. Thoman failed at any effort to be seated on the charter commission. Rumor is that there was a dangerous liaison between Thoman and Schwaab. Dennis Wilcox once confessed that the Thoman Wilcox marriage was strained after his wife "threw herself at Eric Schwaab".
"Here I was with a four year old and a wife that publicly chased a man with more money than I have. I raised a family already, and I only had another child because she didn't have a chance to have a baby. Schwaab distanced himself after the loss, and my wife and I have been working on our marriage ever since. It was humiliating."
Schwaab publicly referred to Taryn Thoman as "methmouth" and Ella Schwaab still does not speak to Queen of Vulgarity "Taryn of the Toilets".
In a fit of rage, as Taryn Thoman threatened me, Thoman admitted that Eric Schwaab was capable of giving "computer viruses" and that I had "better not mess with her or he would start giving "Spyware". This infamous and notorious argument occurred as Thoman was en route to the Town Hall to drop of the affidavit with signatures that I had mostly collected. The "hung over" Thoman spent all morning primping in an air-conditioned car. Poor Schwaab. He expected favors? Go to Hell, Hitler!
Three computers that I used were indeed infected with the computer virus, spyware. In a fit of rage, Eric Schwaab admitted to my father that he gave "a virus" to his computer. My father's computer system was indeed infected with "Spyware". Officer Freddie Rivers has noticed that the computer systme at the public library slows down and shuts down when patrons log on to and comments are controversial.
Say what you will about website designer Janet Joakim, she has sense enough not to give Internet viruses for a living. Now you know how this cheap charlaton, Eric Schwaab can afford to sling money around. He's a two bit crook that looks more like a NAZI than a Democrat!
Oh, final tally for the 2007 Munafo vs. Schwaab...but look at the accusations from the "website wizard wannabe political handler that gives Spyware!:
Eric Schwaab lost his bid to unseat incumbent James Munafo Jr. 240 to 188 on Nov. 6, but Monday morning he filed a letter with the Secretary of the Commonwealth asking that the election results not be certified by the town clerk until an investigation of “coordinated efforts to manipulate the election results in the Precinct #3 Town Council race.”
Among the activities Schwaab lists for investigation are voter intimidation, media intimidation, use of municipal services, cyber-hate crimes and influence over water test results.
Here is a sampling of silly Schwaab insanity from fellow blogger,
The reason for the negativity is simple. Eric Schwaab. Schwaab recently moved into Town and just registered to vote. Many still believe that he lives in Brighton.
But Schwaab, working through his Hate Blog, has slashed and burned everything in the Town of Barnstable. He spent two years trying to convince Barnstable residents that things in Town are terrible. Then he offered himself up as the solution.
He has attacked every Town official, every Town employee and every Town volunteer. He has attacked every town initiative no matter what it was.
What a way to win a race. The Schwaab campaign represents the very worst in us. When he loses on Tuesday, Schwaab should spend months thinking about the tragedy that was his campaign. In the end, you can't criticize those around Schwaab, like John Julius, Gary Lopez, and others. The responsibility for the Schwaab campaign's kamikaze strategy is the responsibility of Eric Schwaab. Shame on you!
The campaign has truly gone bizarre in the last few weeks. Posts by Schwaab on his Hate Blog represent a strange and odd way to want to win a race. Just a sampling of Schwaab's rantings:
"I want you all to know something up front.Today, this one car drove by 3 or 4 times. Two creeps were driving. I could tell that they worked for Munafo and just wanted to steal my signs as soon as I left.They drove by three times and flipped me the bird. I want you to know that when my wife joins me on Saturday, I'm bringing a pile of rocks. If these fu---rs drive by and flip my wife the bird, I'm going to knock out their front teeth. I'm don't fucking around with this one. If Munafo's goons go after my wife they are toast."
Is this the guy you want as your Town Councilor?
September 15, 2007
Eric Schwaab moved to Hyannis three years ago and soon started an online blog. First, his thoughts tended to focus on landscaping and gardening. Related Stories
Barnstable votes Tuesday in council preliminary Precinct 3 candidate Eric Schwaab
Age: 49 Married Education: Reed College, Portland, Oregon, B.A., 1984; University Massachusetts College of Management, M.B.A, 2007. Employment: Web development, design, self-employed. Experience: Volunteer work for Massachusetts Audubon Society, Citizen for Open Government (COG), the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound.
But soon, it morphed into his feelings on Barnstable politics and town council decisions.
With the Sept. 18 runoff election nearing, Schwaab, said the postings will only help him out."I'd say less than 10 percent of the precinct elected reads the blog," Schwaab said, "I would say 100 percent of the movers and shakers read the blog." Schwaab, who runs a Web design business, said he doesn't depend on the blog so he hits the neighborhoods for old style campaigning too. "I'm pretty well versed on the issues," Schwaab said, with campaign points including keeping the residential exemption and eliminating bus fees.
Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab...He should read a book, or something!