Whoops! She's done it again! Taryn Thoman, and her cloak and dagger antics, not only cost Citizens for Open Government a crucial election; she puts her fat, smelly, foot in her mouth, once again. Thoman has accused "moi" of voter fraud and has forwarded materials to public officials and law enforcement authorities. There is one distinct and crucial vote worthy of consideration. ONE VOTE! For passage of the newly formed, revised Barnstable Town Charter.
Taryn was unaware that I was hospitalized with a lesion to my right shoulder that needed to be excised and drained. Not only have I made four trips to the emergency room of Cape Cod Hospital in the past week, I was hospitalized for a number of reasons. There is no possible way at all for me to have voted in the November 3rd election.
Taryn Thoman is still "smarting" from a commanding loss of the Charter Commission vote. Taryn, technically is still reeeling from her loss in the charter commission race in 2007. Joakim pulled out every dirty stop in the book. She won. That's life, Taryn, get over it!
In a popularity contest, you last five minutes. The names fronting for you on your charter commission papers won't give you the time of day, now. Assistant Manager of the Town of Barnstable is cringing at your latest antic, Tina Carey is hiding her head in the sand, the Chillis are no longer ready and willing to provide "free babysitting", and Taryn, "The Penn" family is ready to cry! I can't even mention your name in the local Burger King.
Here's Taryn Thoman's latest specious threat! Is there no end to this woman's lunacy? Mary has been instructed by insiders in the Joakim camp to visit Barnstable Town Clerk, Linda Hutchenrider's Office with documentation of hospitalization. It is possible that there was one extra vote against the Charter. It appears at this point that Taryn Thoman sent in an imposter to vote in Precinct 13 @ 75 Pearl Street #2.
From: mary clements (welcometobarnstable@live.com)
Sent: Sun 11/08/09 1:26 PM
To: macdonaldp@barnstablepolice.com; taryn@tarynsmirror.com; capedamassmail.state.ma.uscouncil@town.barnstable.ma.us; tomrugo@comcast.net; janetjoakim@aol.com; rickbarry20@comcast.net; cobra8@comcast.net; milnecoffeehour@comcast.net; editor@barnstablepatriot.com; john.klimm@town.barnstable.ma.us
Good day, Chief!
Here is the latest antic of Taryn Thoman. I could not have possible voted in this election. I was hospitalized at Cape Cod Hospital for a surgical procedure on my right shoulder. I am going to forward any and all documentation from Cape Cod Hospital to indicate that I was receiving heavy doses of antibiotics during the voting hours and remained in the hospital overnight for the following three days.
Thank you.
barnstable voter said:
VOTER FRAUD From: Barnstable Voter Add to Contacts To: chief@barnstablepolice.com; CapeDA@Massmail.state.ma.us; council@town.barnstable.ma.us; tomrugo@comcast.net; janetjoakim@aol.com; rickbarry20@comcast.net; cobra8@comcast.net; milnecoffeehour@comcast.net; editor@barnstablepatriot.com; john.klimm@town.barnstable.ma.us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please be advised that Ms. Mary Clements, formerly of 75 Pearl Street, voted in Barnstable on November 3rd as a registered voter of Precinct 13, residing at 75 Pearl Street. Mary Clements was evicted by the Barnstable Housing Authority from her apartment in August, and now lives outside of the town of Barnstable. PART I. ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT TITLE VIII. ELECTIONS CHAPTER 56. VIOLATIONS OF ELECTION LAWS PENALTIES ON INDIVIDUALS FOR OFFENCES RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF PRIMARIES, CAUCUSES AND ELECTIONS Offences by Voters Chapter 56: Section 26. Illegal voting or attempt to vote Section 26. Whoever, knowing that he is not a qualified voter in any place, wilfully votes or attempts to vote therein; whoever votes or attempts to vote more than once on his own name, his name having been registered more than once; whoever votes or attempts to vote in more than one voting precinct or town, his name having been registered in more than one voting precinct or town; whoever votes or attempts to vote in any name other than his own, or knowingly casts or attempts to cast more than one ballot at one time of balloting; or whoever votes or attempts to vote otherwise illegally, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
Consider the sad story on slide show of poor Aidan Thoman Wilcox parenting. If this child isn't in need of a DSS complaint, I just don't know who is!
Talk about unsavory Democratic charachters. Thoman should be locked up for inane antics. This time, Councilor Janet Joakim may have her ass in a sling, for sure!