Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Better Days Ahead for Barnstable!
Today is a day to remember the beauty of Barnstable. I'm working on a new campaign to elect Senator Scott Brown. Many of my postings will be reorganized. Older posts involving public safety are being rearranged to demonstrate the need for change in Barnstable and beyond.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall possess the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3 "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:4 "Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child, will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Citizens for Open Government: Crashed and Burned!
Gary Lopez, local political activist and former candidate for State Representative, can no longer find his way out of the wrapper with a compass and a map! Initially, Gary Lopez was the driving force behind the Recall Effort of Councilor Greg Milne of Precinct 13. Lopez now claims that he is "distancing himself" from the Recall Effort. Gary Lopez, of Centerville, a colossal and countless loser, has yet to succeed at any political initiative supported by his feeble, grassroots advocacy group, Citizens for Open Government. Here is a list of Garyn Lopez most recent failed efforts:
* Recall Initiative of former Barnstable Town Council President Janet Swain Joakim.
* Charter Commissioner and passage of a newly revised charter providing for a much needed mayor.
* Had his political ass whooped by Barnstable Town Assessor Jeff Rudzniak, the Business Improvement District and the Barnstable Chamber of Commerce.
* Campaign Coordinator and Manager for Joe Pino for Barnstable Town Councilor in the Sixth Precinct
* Could only get his daughter into a fourth rate institution of higher learning such as Suffolk University.
* Campaigned unsuccessfully against former State Representative, and current Manager of the Town of Barnstable, the puerile John Klimm. Lopez has been eating crow ever since.
Gary Lopez unsuccessfully attempted to recall President Janet Swain Joakim of Precinct Six. Lopez utilized the meager talent of two-bit twit, Taryn Thoman of Marstons Mills. Taryn Thoman Wilcox has picked up a new moniker, Barnstable's Queen of the Commodes, "Taryn of the Toilets". Thoman, a narcotics addict and neglectful mother, attempted non-meritorious litigation against her neighbors in 2005. Taryn Thoman was charged with Criminal Harassment during the Recall Effort of Janet Swain Joakim. Thoman beat the rap by hiring the same attorney as her accomplice in the Recall Effort. Taryn Thoman and her self purported "dangerously creative mind" has never had an original thought in her life!
"Taryn of the Toilets" Thoman developed four obscene graphics of the Barnstable Town Council President. Taryn Thoman also devised over twelve harassing blogsites directed at antagonizing her neighbors and the Joakim family. During the course of her 21 year tenure as a "successful businesswoman", Thoman made fraudulent insurance claims at her failed business, Taryn's Mirror of Main Street. Taryn Thoman had a documented and established record of failing to pay her sales taxes, and is about to foreclose on her "dream home" at 22 Mountain Ash Road in Marstons Mills.
Gary Lopez considers "Taryn of the Toilets" credible. Obviously, Lopez, a retired Centerville businessman, is none too bright. Senile, stupid, or both, Lopez is yet to realize that he and Taryn Thoman are a mere annoyance to the well oiled, political machine of Janet Swain Joakim. Lopez also claimed he was "distancing" himself from the brains behind the Joakim Recall Effort. Yep, that's me! Once senile Lopez, Tiny Tot Thoman and Toddler Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab claimed they had to "distance" themselves from the driving force behind the Joakim Recall, the effort crashed and burned. All efforts to elect an alternative to Joakim have also "landed in the drink". We anticipate the Milne Recall Effort will go by way of the failed Joakim effort. Citizens for Open Government is the gang that "simply cannot shoot straight". If Taryn Thoman had a brain she would be dangerous!
Sadly, Gary Lopez brags and boasts that he has feasted at the finest banquets. The truth of the matter for this Centerville businessman, is that his highlight on resume is that he "chaffeured" the rich and famous for a living. Henceforth, he drove the intelligentsia and the literati to their banquents. He settled for scraps. Politically, nothing has changed for this sad, failing, tag-along wannabe. I guess it's the best the little boy from Pepperdine can do! At least Eric "Crabsy" Schwaab can boast of doing time at the swanky Reed College. Poor Thoman, never graduated herself from Ohio State. Then again, she is tring to pass of a fifth rate school like Ohio Wesleyan as Ohio State. Janet Joakim has a more impressive pedigree!
Lopez, pitiful and pathetic, even his home is listed in the Barnstable Town Assessors website under his wife's name. She works. He blogs!
What a pussy!
Hey, it's the senile old codger, the over-the-hill farting curmudgeon for one last gas! No wonder Gary Lopez had such a brainfart over the price of jet fuel and the Rectrix lawsuit at the Barnstable Airport! Enjoy the clip from the Wizard of Oz as Gary and Thoman dance around trying to find a brain between them. ...as for Eric "Crabsy" Schwaab and his overactive C-O-C-K? Clearly the wizard. All show, no substance. Ella? Hit the road! Your husband makes a living giving spyware! What a charlaton! Speaking of Crow.........
Presented for your viewing pleasure, Scarecrow Gary Lopez, attempting to terrify homeowners in Precinct 13 with loss of their homes over the sewering issue. Somebody ought to tell the obtuse dolt, Taryn of the Toilets" to tell Toto....." We're not in Kansas, anymore!"
Hey Lopez!..... "If you only had a brain!"
Monday, November 16, 2009
Here is the Real Reason Barnstable Will Never Have a Mayor! Colonel Eric Schwaab, Leader of the NAZI Party! "I Know Nothing"!
Meet Colonel Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab, Barnstable's answer to the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Schwaab maintains two formal addresses, Brighton and Barnstable. Neither community feels particularly fortunate to have this colossal, Hitler wannabe, claiming residence in a place, once called, civilization. Empathy is a good thing, the best of things. Brighton feels sorry for Barnstable, and clearly, vice versa. Barnstable sypathizes with poor Brighton. Story is that this divorced computer mogul hails from Texas and moved to the poor state of Massachusetts after a messy divorce. Like Dennis Wilcox, he claims to be the victim of a crazy wife.
In 2007, Eric Schwaab wreaked havoc on the otherwise sleepy town of Barnstable. Colonel Schwaab introduced a whole new era of insanity in municipal politics. Initially, Colonel Schwaab trounced Councilor James Munafo in the primary contest for Barnstable Municipal Town Councilor. Rumor has it that this website wizard, suspecting of inflicting computer viruses on unsuspecting victims, shelled out $8000 of his own money to unseat Jim Munafo of Precinct 3. I was there, in the Barnstable Town Hall when newcomer and political fledgling Eric Schwaab edged out the venerable Jim Munafor in the primary race 2007 by the following numbers:
Schwaab 120
Munafo 94
Hersey 89
From an older post on www.capecodliving.blogspot.com, Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab congratulates Gary Brown on his numbers in Precinct 3 as he ran for Tax Collector of the Town of Barnstable. He states that he was invited to Brown's Victory Party. Interesting, because I was a Brown donor ($100) and I attended Brown's Victory Party at the Island Merchant on the evening of his loss. Jim Munafo came in to a round of applause. I didn't see Barnstable's answer to Colonel Schultz there to console Gary, or congratulate Munafo. Incidentally, Munafor was quite cordial toward me. Didn't seem to afraid of the crazies. Then again, his wife is sane.
Colonel Eric Schwaab has been whining a case of sour grapes since his commanding loss to Jim Munafo in 2007. As it stands so far, this loser has been trounced in every effort he has made so far in his attempts to "better" Barnstable politics. If he had the brains to align with someone who knew vastly more than he did, former Barnstable Town Council President Janet Joakim clearly would have been asked to step down from her postition. Schwaab, a retarded spendthrift spent a lousy $500 initially in the effort to unseat Joakim. Schwaab gave $500 to help with expenses. Thoman immediately stepped up and claimed his lousy pocket change. This was after I had already spend close to $2000 of my own money to develop a recall strategy against Joakim. Citizens for Open Government, with Schwaab at the helm, lost an easy win to unseat Joakim. The failed effort was based strictly on the stupidity of this inept, incompetent "political handler".
Colonel Schwaab aligned and backed a trash act like Taryn Thoman. He sustained her loss not only in the charter commission contest, but everthing he has tried since. Trashy, tough talking Taryn Thoman attempted to pass off the work done in the "Recall Effort of Janet Joakim" as her work product. Thoman threantened and attempted to intimidate the wrong person. Thoman's constant barrage of vulgarities maintains as much history as her crazy antics. Schwaab's association with a woman, foreclosing on a house she cannot afford, failing at the Recall Effort, flunking as a political handler of Joe Pino, Tina Carey and Rob Anderson, Colonel Schwaab still doesn't get the message. Taryn Thoman and Eric Colonel Schwaab are now attempting to recall their one time faithful golden boy, Greg Milne. Clearly, Thoman has little understanding of the charter or municipal politics. Taryn Thoman attempted to force non-meritorious litigation on her neighbors. Neighbors, Ron and Christine Howell refused to attack a neighborhood eight year old of child molestation. Thoman then accused two other families of child molestation. She then retained an attorney to force injucntive relief on innocent neighbors. The attorney hired was a "deadbeat Dad" advocate. Having established being one himself, took the case virtually pro bono. Only a fool, like Colonel Schwaab, would back this continually failing loser.
Thoman was caught developing immature and obscene graphics of Janet Joakim. She also prides herself on the use of vulgarities and attempting to persuade others to use the same language. Colonel Schwaab, the website wizard, can easily identify IP addresses indicating Thoman uses foul language and outrageous vulgarities on the blogs. Yet, this perpetual loser, and his galpal "Taryn of the Toilets" continue to accuse and blame the innocent for their antics. Only a Internet Virus culprit, and a foreclosing trashy broad like Thoman with a history of making fake insurance claims, can really believe they have any credibility at all left in the Town of Barnstable.
Thoman dropped the unsuccessful effort at litigation when Eric Schwaab approached her to run for charter commission. Thoman knew little about municipal politics. The aging, third rate, stage musician grasped at yet another chance to steal the limelight. Thoman failed at any effort to be seated on the charter commission. Rumor is that there was a dangerous liaison between Thoman and Schwaab. Dennis Wilcox once confessed that the Thoman Wilcox marriage was strained after his wife "threw herself at Eric Schwaab".
"Here I was with a four year old and a wife that publicly chased a man with more money than I have. I raised a family already, and I only had another child because she didn't have a chance to have a baby. Schwaab distanced himself after the loss, and my wife and I have been working on our marriage ever since. It was humiliating."
Schwaab publicly referred to Taryn Thoman as "methmouth" and Ella Schwaab still does not speak to Queen of Vulgarity "Taryn of the Toilets".
In a fit of rage, as Taryn Thoman threatened me, Thoman admitted that Eric Schwaab was capable of giving "computer viruses" and that I had "better not mess with her or he would start giving "Spyware". This infamous and notorious argument occurred as Thoman was en route to the Town Hall to drop of the affidavit with signatures that I had mostly collected. The "hung over" Thoman spent all morning primping in an air-conditioned car. Poor Schwaab. He expected favors? Go to Hell, Hitler!
Three computers that I used were indeed infected with the computer virus, spyware. In a fit of rage, Eric Schwaab admitted to my father that he gave "a virus" to his computer. My father's computer system was indeed infected with "Spyware". Officer Freddie Rivers has noticed that the computer systme at the public library slows down and shuts down when patrons log on to www.capecodliving.blogspot.com and comments are controversial.
Say what you will about website designer Janet Joakim, she has sense enough not to give Internet viruses for a living. Now you know how this cheap charlaton, Eric Schwaab can afford to sling money around. He's a two bit crook that looks more like a NAZI than a Democrat!
Oh, final tally for the 2007 Munafo vs. Schwaab...but look at the accusations from the "website wizard wannabe political handler that gives Spyware!:
Eric Schwaab lost his bid to unseat incumbent James Munafo Jr. 240 to 188 on Nov. 6, but Monday morning he filed a letter with the Secretary of the Commonwealth asking that the election results not be certified by the town clerk until an investigation of “coordinated efforts to manipulate the election results in the Precinct #3 Town Council race.”
Among the activities Schwaab lists for investigation are voter intimidation, media intimidation, use of municipal services, cyber-hate crimes and influence over water test results.
Here is a sampling of silly Schwaab insanity from fellow blogger, BarnstableBlog.blogspot.com...
The reason for the negativity is simple. Eric Schwaab. Schwaab recently moved into Town and just registered to vote. Many still believe that he lives in Brighton.
But Schwaab, working through his Hate Blog, has slashed and burned everything in the Town of Barnstable. He spent two years trying to convince Barnstable residents that things in Town are terrible. Then he offered himself up as the solution.
He has attacked every Town official, every Town employee and every Town volunteer. He has attacked every town initiative no matter what it was.
What a way to win a race. The Schwaab campaign represents the very worst in us. When he loses on Tuesday, Schwaab should spend months thinking about the tragedy that was his campaign. In the end, you can't criticize those around Schwaab, like John Julius, Gary Lopez, and others. The responsibility for the Schwaab campaign's kamikaze strategy is the responsibility of Eric Schwaab. Shame on you!
The campaign has truly gone bizarre in the last few weeks. Posts by Schwaab on his Hate Blog represent a strange and odd way to want to win a race. Just a sampling of Schwaab's rantings:
"I want you all to know something up front.Today, this one car drove by 3 or 4 times. Two creeps were driving. I could tell that they worked for Munafo and just wanted to steal my signs as soon as I left.They drove by three times and flipped me the bird. I want you to know that when my wife joins me on Saturday, I'm bringing a pile of rocks. If these fu---rs drive by and flip my wife the bird, I'm going to knock out their front teeth. I'm don't fucking around with this one. If Munafo's goons go after my wife they are toast."
Is this the guy you want as your Town Councilor?
September 15, 2007
Eric Schwaab moved to Hyannis three years ago and soon started an online blog. First, his thoughts tended to focus on landscaping and gardening. Related Stories
Barnstable votes Tuesday in council preliminary Precinct 3 candidate Eric Schwaab
Age: 49 Married Education: Reed College, Portland, Oregon, B.A., 1984; University Massachusetts College of Management, M.B.A, 2007. Employment: Web development, design, self-employed. Experience: Volunteer work for Massachusetts Audubon Society, Citizen for Open Government (COG), the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound.
But soon, it morphed into his feelings on Barnstable politics and town council decisions.
With the Sept. 18 runoff election nearing, Schwaab, said the postings will only help him out."I'd say less than 10 percent of the precinct elected reads the blog," Schwaab said, "I would say 100 percent of the movers and shakers read the blog." Schwaab, who runs a Web design business, said he doesn't depend on the blog so he hits the neighborhoods for old style campaigning too. "I'm pretty well versed on the issues," Schwaab said, with campaign points including keeping the residential exemption and eliminating bus fees.
Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab...He should read a book, or something!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Gimme Shelter
Housing Assistance Corporation pursued a number of outlandish, lavish, expansion projects and attempted to expand negligent housing services to the neighboring Town of Sandwich. Extravagant homes were being planned for executives of Housing Assistance Corporation. Construction of the project was halted after intense lobbying of the Family Association of Sandwich represented by William Henchy, Esq. and formerly homeless people that came forward and testified before the ZBA in Sandwich. The administration of Housing Assistance Corporation planned an $11.5 million dollar project at taxpayer expense. In addition, clinicians and nursing personnel expanded negligent psychiatric services and drug addictions therapy using controversial treatment for habitual narcotics offenders.
Harm Reduction Theory devised by Edith Springer and The Housing First Model developed by the Department of Housing and Urban Develpment/Office for Research and Policy includes experimental practices such as Suboxone Treatment and Methadone Therapy.. Effectiveness for this experimental treatment is low and the liberal access to syringes and needles from recent legalization of over the counter sale of syringes increased the numbers of improperly disposed, contaminated needles strewn about downtown, Hyannis.
Criminality among the population remains predominant and the organization remains in proximity to two schools and a daycare center/preschool.
Where is the outrage?
Cape Cod & the Islands
April 9, 2004
HOMELESSNESS ON CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDSThe Cape Cod & the Islands Coordinating Council for the Homeless conducts an annual point-in-time
count of the homeless.
In 2004, 1,733 persons were counted as homeless:
o 1,041 were individuals
§ 554 were in shelter, 296 were in motels and 191 were on the street
o 692 were persons in families with children
§ 275 were in shelter, 164 were in motels and 253 were on the street
In 2003, 1,763 persons were counted as homeless:
o 1,110 were individuals
§ 428 were in shelter, 326 were in motels and 356 were on the street
o 653 were persons in families with children
§ 348 were in shelter, 92 were in motels and 213 were on the street
In 2002, 1,230 persons were counted as homeless:
o 724 were individuals
§ 521 were in shelter and the remaining 203 were either in motels or on the street
o 506 were persons in families with children
§ 356 were in shelter and the remaining 150 were either in motels or on the street
This is a 50-bed emergency shelter for individuals:
• In 2003 NOAH saw 533 different individuals (379 were male and 154 were female), in
comparison to 486 different individuals in 2002.
• Of the 533 individuals seen by NOAH in 2003, 258 came to NOAH for the first time: 77% were
from Cape Cod and the Islands and 90% were from Massachusetts.
• Of the Cape Cod towns, Barnstable had the highest percentages of people at 32% of the
total population: of the individuals from Barnstable, the vast majority gave Hyannis as their
last address.
• All 15 Cape towns and both Islands were represented among the NOAH population.
• Many of the non-Cape residents came from the Southeastern Massachusetts communities
(Brockton, Plymouth, Fall River, New Bedford, etc.).
• In 2003 the shelter averaged 60 people per night, an increase from 53 people per night in
• In 2003, the total number of nights spent at NOAH was 21,748, up from 19,491 in 2002.
• When the shelter is full to capacity homeless persons are either allowed in the foyer,
allowed to sit-up inside the shelter, referred to the Overnights of Hospitality program,
referred to the Pilot House, or turned away.
• In 2003, 154 women were served at NOAH, up from 108 women in 1998.
Pilot House opened its door on January 22nd, 2003 as a community-based, locally funded collaborative
project to stabilize the most marginalized homeless men and women in the community.
• This program is the result of a collaboration between the Town of Barnstable,
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc., Duffy Health Center
and Housing Assistance Corporation.
• The goal of Pilot House is to stabilize men and women who cannot access other shelters as a result
of mental health or substance abuse issues and improve their status so they can transition to more
permanent housing while continuing to receive support services.
• Since its opening in January 2002, 130 chronically homeless adults have stayed at Pilot House and
are working towards recovery and stability with clinical oversight and intensive case management.
• Within a one year period (January 22 to December 31, 2003) Pilot House provided 3,430
overnight stays to over 130 chronically homeless individuals.
The Cape Cod Council of Churches and the Salvation Army jointly coordinate this program:
• Churches and Synagogues open their doors to a small group of homeless persons
who need a warm, safe place to sleep.
• The “Overnights” program serves homeless people, thus lessening the amount of
overcrowding at the NOAH Shelter.
• Around 30 religious organizations participate in the program, with two
churches/synagogues providing shelter on any given night.
• Within just over a one-year period (October 2002 to early October 2003) this program
has provided over 3,000 hospitality stays to homeless men and women.
The cost-efficiency of preventing homeless is clear when comparing the following figures.
The cost efficiency of preventing families from becoming homeless is as follows:
• According to Housing Assistance Corporation, the average cost of sheltering a
family (including services) ranges from $23,490 for the least expensive shelter to $54,000 for the
most expensive shelter for women in recovery from substance abuse (based on calculating the
average monthly costs of $2,610 and $6,000 respectively times the average length of stay of nine
• In comparison, Project Prevention, available countywide and coordinated by Housing
Assistance Corporation spends, on average, $1,333 per family for homelessness prevention.
The cost efficiency of preventing individuals from becoming homeless is as follows:
• According to NOAH, the average cost of sheltering a guest (including services) is $1,845 (based
on calculating $45 per night times the average length of stay of 41 nights).
• In comparison, in 2003, the Barnstable Interfaith Council prevention program, coordinated by
NOAH staff, assisted 78 individuals for an average of $317.
Reviewing articles published in the Cape Cod Times can be more palatable by listening to The Rolling Stones. Log on the lyrics of "Gimme Shelter". I never realized the potency of the lyrics!
Cape lawmaker criticizes housing aid proposal
November 12, 2009
A Cape lawmaker has challenged a portion of a housing bill he generally supports, claiming that, as written, it could encourage people to become homeless to receive housing aid. State Rep. Matthew C. Patrick, D—Falmouth, was one of the few to raise concerns about the bill that would change the way housing authorities and other housing agencies distribute housing assistance money at a hearing held by the Joint Committee on Housing Tuesday at the Statehouse. Patrick told the committee that, although he supports many parts of the bill, because one of its provisions would give homeless and "imminently homeless" people priority over those who already have housing but are waiting for assistance, the legislation may inadvertently spread the very problem it aims to prevent.
"It's an incentive to become homeless," Patrick said in an interview after his testimony.
Patrick said he hopes the committee will consider an amendment to address his concern. The bill would also require preference for affordable rental housing be given to people who have medical conditions that cannot be accommodated in their current housing and to those who have rent payments that are more than 50 percent of their income. Ellen Shachter, who works with Cambridge and Somerville Legal Services, denied Patrick's claims that the bill would create incentives for people to enter shelters. Shachter, who helped write the legislation, said some housing agencies already give priority to those who are homeless or about to become homeless and the bill would simply create a uniform standard throughout the state.
"In a crisis, every housing provider has to be a part of the solution to homelessness," she said in an interview after her testimony the housing committee. The bill, co-sponsored by state Rep. Cleon Turner, D—Dennis, would require housing programs to ignore an applicant's bad credit score if the applicant has a "positive history" of rent payment. The bill also requires housing providers to accept electronic payments and allows public and subsidized housing applicants to designate someone — for example, a friend or relative — to receive copies of all of their housing paperwork.
The bill, introduced by Rep. Carl M. Sciortino Jr., D-Somerville, would also make it more difficult for housing authorities to deny housing to domestic violence victims.
There was no disagreement among advocates that demand for affordable housing is high. Approximately 76,000 Massachusetts residents — about 4,000 on Cape Cod — are waiting for Section 8 housing vouchers, which provide federally funded housing assistance.
The housing committee has not set a date for a vote on the bill, and Patrick said he was not confident the measure would be voted on this year. Frederick B. Presbrey, chief executive officer of the Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod, said the group receives requests for help from about 30 people daily. Many of them, he said, are in danger of losing their housing. But Presbrey said he shared Patrick's concern that the bill would create incentives for people who are facing years-long waits for Section 8 housing assistance to become homeless. "I'm trying to do what works best for the families in the long run," he said.
Reality indicates that the homeless crisis was created by malfeasance. That is, misdirection of public funds and mismanagement of the reasources supplied by 94-97% taxpayer dollars.
Cape shortchanged on homeless
By Patrick Cassidy
October 07, 2009
HYANNIS — In what local housing advocates are calling a potentially devastating blow to the cause, a grant to keep local families from becoming homeless has been awarded at a fraction of what was requested. "We're still going to get the telephone calls, we're still going to get the people walking through the door," said Estella Fritzinger, executive director of the Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and the Islands, the lead agency to request the grant money from the state. Instead of the $1.6 million asked for in the grant proposal, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development awarded Fritzinger's organization, Housing Assistance Corp. of Hyannis and the Homeless Prevention Council only $200,000 for a variety of programs, including homelessness prevention and other initiatives designed to divert families who would otherwise move into shelters to other forms of housing.
The federal stimulus money is allocated by the state agency, which, HAC president and CEO Rick Presbrey said, is more focused on efforts to move families out of motels in other parts of the state than it is on the Cape's needs. Also, none of the money for the state's Residential Assistance for Families in Transition program that provides short-term financial assistance to families who are homeless or who are about to become homeless is expected to be allocated for the Cape, Presbrey said.
The concept behind these programs and efforts over the past 20 years is that it costs much less to keep a family housed than it does to keep them in a shelter or in a motel, Presbrey said. HAC and the Community Action Committee each see between 20 and 30 people a day who are in need of emergency housing assistance, Presbrey and Fritzinger said. Without the money they had originally requested the agencies will only be able to help 100 families stay in their homes each year versus 700, they said.
The state understands the disappointment of regional agencies but was required by strict federal guidelines to disburse the stimulus money throughout the state in the best possible way to prevent homelessness, Housing and Community Development spokesman Phil Hailer wrote in an e-mail to the Times. In addition to the $200,000 for homelessness prevention services, the Cape — through the Duffy Health Center — will receive more than $600,000 for individual homelessness prevention efforts, Hailer wrote.
For over ten years, executives at Housing Assistance Corporation planned a lavish $11.5 million dollar experimental farm project slated for the Town of Sandwich. The architect's shematic plan included two half-million dollar homes for adminstrative staff, a sports arena with an Olympic size swimming pool, horse and pony stables, a dairy farm, gardens to be cultivated, and a chicken coop intended for clients to gather eggs and sell at a dairy stand.
The initiative failed to pass at the ZBA in Sandwich after concerned former clients introduced information indicating the organization is operating at a negligent standard. Livia Davis and Tom Brigham promised the Town of Sandwich that candidates for the experimental project would be carefully screened from a pool of applicants at the existing NOAH Shelter. Davis and Presbrey also promised the Town of Sandwich that they would return unrehabilitated clients that failed at recovery to the Hyannis area.
Davis continued to bill third party reimbursement and public insurance for clients in the Hyannis area to support the establishment of the project. Housing Assistance Corporation denied that there were any violent narcotics addicts and sex offenders housed at NOAH. Presbrey referred to me as "irresponsible" in August in 2003.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Councilor Gregory Milne representing Precinct 13 is subject to a Recall Election, now scheduled for November 17th. As usual, the group leading the latest crazy crusade, is "Citizens for Open Government". On July 4th of 2008, Taryn Thoman, the impetus for yet, another, recall, implored me to attend to the All-America City Parade for the purposes of photographing Councilor Greg Milne. Thoman stated she was unavailable to attend and photograph the event as she was attending "a barbeque" at the home of Tony Pelletier. Pelletier is the Chairman of the Hyannis Civic Association. Milne was running for a position as Commissioner to the Assembly of Delegates.
Politically, Milne had "a lot on his plate" in the year 2008. Litigation was underway in the Barnstable Superior Court to guarantee Milne's right to be seated on the formed "Charter Commission" Review Committee organized earlier that year. Greg Milne also maintained his seat as Councilor of Precinct 13. There was a question of "conflict of interest" and the case was argued effectively on Milne's behalf by Paul Revere in Barnstable Superior Court in 2008. Judge Kane ruled in Milne's favor on August 11 2008. Milne was also campaigning for Commissioner for the Assembly of Delegates at the same time.
Citizens for Open government supported this effort and esentially dubbed Milne their "golden boy". Despite Milne's triple political aspirations, he remained available and attentive to the needs of constituents and supporters. Milne often addressed the controversial nature of Citizens for Open Government, supported grassroots advocacy, but stopped short of considering the often malicious, and frequently vindictive antics of this group as desirable.
Unfortunately, "the bloggers" remain a thorn is everybody's side. Members of this disorganized group have now turned on Milne, a one time ally. Greg Milne was aware of this controversial, and at times, contentious special interest group. Milne often negotiated for reasonable presentation of ideas from this group, and served as a buffer before fellow members of the council. Although Greg Milne is upset that loyalties and partnerships have been betrayed, he remains concerned about the impact of this group on constituents of Precinct 13. Milne's precinct lines include not only Stewart's Creek in the spotlight for sewering hook up, but more importantly, extends to Sea Street, site of recent peaking of narcotics trafficking and associated violence.
There was a triple shooting last month, and the Barnstable Police are still trying to stabilize the neighborhood under seige. Chief Paul MacDonald of the Barnstable Police Department and Councilor Greg Milne have conducted a number of community meetings on public safety. Residents and Business owners are encouraged to remain in contact and communication with patrols and to report suspicious activity. Chief MacDonald has stationed the Mobile Command Unit and a number of official marked police vehicles to patrol the afflicted area.
Clearly, Precinct 13 has a number of vital issues paramount to the quality of living in this precinct. The threat of a Recall couldn't come at worse time for constituents residing in this subsect of the village of Hyannis. Milne is faced with dispelling rumors and false information about sewering imparted on elderly and constituents supporting families in difficult economic times, and focusing on the priority of public safety in his precinct. Here are two of the major items occupying the time and energy of the sitting councilor at this time:
1) Councilor Milne is concerned first and foremost with the priority of stabilizing a subsection of Precinct 13 compromised by the recent peak in drug trafficking and associated violence. Much to Milne's dismay, the area has been referred to as "Brockton by the Sea" in reference to narcotics and violence. On October 24, gunfire erupted and a triple homicide with no fatalities plagued the area. consider the news accounts and video posted below.
2) Milne admits that there is a tremendous amount of misinformation about the cost of sewer betterments and that he understands the concern of his constituents. Unfortunately a local advocacy group, with three contenders in the election for seats on the Barnstable Town Council took advantage of the controversy and skewed numbers and spread inaccuracies for political gain. These number are being published by COG in regard to the sewer betterment fees that have his constituency concerned:
Betterment fees:
* Lake Wequaquet project: $30,900 in one payment; $1,870 annually spread over 20 years (including 2 percent interest).
* Stewart's Creek project: $20,500 in one payment; $1,240 annually spread over 20 years (including 2 percent interest).
2)Police: Hyannis shooting 'not random'.
October 24, 2009
HYANNIS – Three young men were injured – one seriously – in an unsolved shooting on Nautical Way early this morning.
A 20- and 21-year-old were taken to Cape Cod Hospital by the Hyannis Fire Department rescue squad, according to police and Hyannis Fire Lt. Thomas Kenney.
As it turned out, perpetual RECALL organizer was not in attendance at any barbeque at the home of Tony Pelletier. Nobody was more shocked to find out that Pelletier was this overbearing woman's alibi that Pelletier, himself. I must admit he was a bit disconcerted. Thoman was bragging of her association with an "influential multimillionaire". Pelletier stated he was none of the above and there was no barbeque and fireworks party on July 4th of 2008.
Taryn Thoman and her sister, Terese Marinelli were at home on Mountain Ash Road developing obscene graphics of then, sitting Barnstable Town Council President, Janet Swain Joakim. The items were traced to Thoman's IP Address by State Trooper Corey Daehlstadt of the Cybercrimes Unit of the Attorney General's Office. Like Pino and Milne, he also referred to Thoman as "sick".
Consider the following correspondence:
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
February 7, 2009
J. Drew Segadelli, Esq.
Fagan and Goldrick, P.C.
536 Main Street
Falmouth, MA 02540
Dear Mr. Segadelli,
Thank you for representing my interests in the matter of the charge of criminal harassment against me filed in the Barnstable District Court in regard to The Barnstable Police Department . You may be aware that I assisted Ms. Taryn Thoman during the effort to recall President Janet Swain Joakim from office. I also collected signatures for the Open Meeting of the Voters held in Hyannis last spring at her request. Ms. Thoman requested my assistance developing a legitimate lobby and political action committee last January. We were introduced through a mutual acquaintance, Lou Gonzaga of Hyannis. Mr. Gonzaga is currently serving as an official constable here in Barnstable and has long been involved in municipal politics.
When Taryn Thoman was charged with criminal harassment, I recommended that she consider retaining your counsel. Ms. Thoman is responsible for developing obscene graphics of President Janet Swain Joakim and forwarding them from her computer terminal to a number of websites. In addition, Ms. Thoman assisted me in the development of my website, www.barnstablesafetynetwork.com. Taryn Thoman knew my passwords and personal data and ran my website on her server and off her website, taryn@tarynsmirror.com. Thoman continues to blame me for harassing a number of parties and continually posts scurrilous comments about me on local blog sites. Please review her current blog postings on local political websites. Clearly you can see from Thoman’s comments that she intends to post controversial and threatening materials in regard to me on her newly constructed website, www.barnstable411.typepad.com . Please be aware that Ms. Thoman has publicly blamed me for developing the disturbing graphics of President Janet Swain Joakim. Ms. Thoman is aware that I was photographing Councilor Greg Milne at the All-America City Parade under her direction and working at 4pm at the Kennedy Gallery on Main Street subsequent to the parade. My employer and co-workers were present and in my company throughout the day. Ms. Thoman stated that she was at a barbecue at the home of Mr. Tony Pelletier of the Hyannis Civic Association and has alleged that I am at fault for continued harassment of Janet Joakim and her neighbors on Mountain Ash Road.
Tony Pelletier denied that Taryn Thoman was invited to his home on the Fourth of July. It is on the fourth that these graphics were developed and emailed to my website. Ms. Thoman has a history of mailing related obscene graphics to members of Barnstable’s blogosphere. Ms. Thoman’s neighbors, Christine and Ron Howell confirm that Taryn Thoman and her sister Therese Marinelli were home all day on the fourth of July.
You defended me in a criminal harassment charge. Your current client, Taryn Thoman is a former associate of mine. Thoman is blaming me for her actions of criminal harassment. You should be aware that there is ongoing convolution of these matters with local and federal law enforcement. Please consider the blog postings placed on an Internet site by your client. Clearly, Ms. Thoman is suggesting that she has information in regard to my court case and is suggesting that she may post such items on a website. I have contacted the Massachusetts Bar Association and filed a complaint. I am unsure as to whether our conversations and matters were covered by attorney client privilege. It seems that Ms. Thoman is suggesting that you have not maintained an agreement of confidentiality and is threatening to post matters on her website.
Is there not a conflict of interest? I have forwarded these documents to Justice William O’Neill of the Barnstable District Court.
Mary Clements
Cc. Justice William O’Neill
Here's an image of the police and parents of neighborhood watch cleaning up Sea Street the last time violence erupted in this locale.
Unfortunately, Councilor Milne is considering cancelling his monthly constituents meeting at the Sunnyside Restaurant. The now famous "Milne Coffee Hour" has been a staple of Precinct 13 as Milne meets informally with constituents. Milne has held this event every month for ten years. Controversial bloggers are threatening to storm the meeting in an effort to disrupt and create controversy among Milne's loyal constituents. Milne is not only concerned about the effect of recent problems for his constituents, he is concerned about the family that owns and hosts the event. Milne has so much on his plate, you may end up with nothing on yours at the cancelled Milne Coffee Hour that used to be held at the famous Sunnyside.
Running into both Pino and Milne in the same day? A stroke of good luck! Listening to both of them refer to Taryn Thoman as crazy? Priceless!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The "Tail" of Mountain Ash Road...Welcome to the Jungle!
Queen of Cloacas, "Taryn of the Toilets" has embarked on a new vendetta, attacking long time associate, Joe Pino. The venerable candidate for Barnstable Town Council seeking to represent Precinct Six lost his bid to unseat the incumbent, Janet Joakim in the November 3rd election. Joe Pino demonstrated remarkable political prowess in falling short of a win, but emerged as a class act. The victorious win of Janet Swain Joakim was hardly commanding, and certainly not a mandate. Maybe after nearly ten years of being married to a husband like Dennis, what Taryn really needs, is a "man date".
Taryn is an aging, sagging, wannabe beauty queen, with meager intelligence, short on style. Financially, morally, and otherwise bankrupt, this status seeking "know nothing" is embarassed by constant failure and defeat. Rather than accept the loss with grace and aplomb, this fool is attacking the group that supported her through the Criminal Harassment charge levied against her after she demonstrated bizarre antics in 2008.
Taryn Thoman is responsible for the failure of the Recall Effort of Joakim. Thoman claimed responsibility for the effort to unseat Janet Joakim from office that same year. Unfortunately, Taryn has little understanding of munipal, state, and national politics. For instance, Thoman once suggested she should approach Al Baker of Marstons Mills to convert him into a COGGER/BLOGGER. Mr. Baker is a senior citizen, prominent member of the community, and council meeting "regular". Taryn Thoman Wilcox, a colossal dunce, is still "smarting" after finishing "just outside of the winner's circle" in the 2007 race for Charter Commission. Apparently, Thoman, with her newfound political ambitions, is unfamiliar with the ubiquitous Al Baker. Thoman simply did not realize it was Al Baker of the Mills who initially suggested it was time for a review of the town charter. How politically savvy can she really be?
Councilor Janet Swain Joakim emerges victorious, partly due to a group of loyal and energetic supporters that provide a strong constituency base. Faithful to the embattled former Barnstable Town Council President, the group has rallied to the side of Joakim her times of need. In the clutch, Joakim has been effective at galvanizing this base to protect her position on the Barnstable Town Council. Thoman is yet to realize the price of her antics last year. I ran into Joe Pino, today. He was headed into the CVS and took a moment to speak to me. He graciously thank me for supporting his efforts. Pino was the consummate and quintessential gentleman. He was pleased with his numbers, and the style of clean campaign. Pino is sensible, with character and decorum.
Pino ran with grassroots support and old fashioned door to door canvassing. He was deferential and polite in regard to Joakim, the victor and wished her well in her last term. Pino emphatically stated he had no interface with Internet personalities, campaigning the old fashioned way. Old Joe has still got it, promoting principles of responsibility and accountability with focus on the issues. Pino referred to Thoman as a "sick woman".
Unfortunately, Taryn has begun to attack Joe Pino and Gary Lopez via the Internet. Thoman is not only signing the names of innocent parties criticizing the website hit prowess of www.capecog.com. Thoman continues to make specious allegations that a former associate committed voter fraud in the November 3rd election. Taryn Thoman reported and claimed illegality with no supporting facts or evidence. Thoman has been seen in Barnstable Town Clerk Linda Hutchenrider's Office. Thoman insisted on speaking with Lucia in regard to her concerns over the results of the recent election. Thoman's allegations now jeopardize the status of the guaranteed recount of the approval of the new charter winning by just one vote.
Taryn Thoman continues to antagonize Gary Lopez, the "Sultan of Statistics" and "Grandaddy of the Bloggers" by suggesting Eric "Bugsy" Schwaab maintains the more informative and politically potent blog. Schwaab has been caught giving "spyware" to a number of IP addresses and demonstrates a cocky, hot temper. Say what you will about website designer, Janet Swain Joakim, she doesn't make a living giving Internet viruses. This issue is under investigation by the Cybercrimes Unit of the Office of the Attorney General.
As usual, Taryn knows nothing of what she speaks. Desperately trying to maintain credibility, she is currently foreclosing on her overpriced dream home. Taryn and her unemployed husband can hardly afford the style of living to which this deadbeat mother aspires. Thoman continues to ignore the needs of her school aged child, Aidan Thoman Wilcox. Thoman focuses instead on a perpetual vindictive battle with the "powers that be". Taryn Thoman has been in a longstanding battle with her neighbors. Ron and Christine Howell grew weary of providing free babysitting services to their disrespectful and arrogant "no-nothing" neighbors.
Taryn made victims out many residents and children of Mountain Ash Road in Marstons Mills. Thoman was outraged after neighbors refused to support Thoman's constant allegations of child molestation by a neighborhood eight year old. Taryn has attempted non-meritorious litigation against neighbors who refused to attack an innocent child. Thoman hired a loser lawyer and put forth a motion for injunctive relief, essentially attempting to force these neighbors out of their home.
Please enjoy the video of the poor wildebeeste, and imagine the relief the neighbors and children of Thoman now enjoy after watching the impotent Dennis and ineffective Thoman squirm in their foreclosing home. The story of the wildebeeste is sad, indeed!
The sad, sad, sorry, story of the wildebeeste...
Charles Darwin said...
Absolutely, Taryn's looking good for it! Most interesting is the alert and happy look on her face! She's quite tan, and needless to say, grazing among the other, expendable, wildebeeste. The story of the wildebeeste is quite sad, indeed. The poor herbivore is meant as fodder on the food chain. It's intended to be sadly, sacrificed. Short legs, heavy in the meaty torso, the wildebeeste choose a weaker specimen to lead the pack from the prowling lioness. Not only is the chosen leader pompous, it isn't very bright! The wildebeeste start intuitively moving as a group, following some poor sucker of specimen until it tires. Slowly the breed begins to move back away from the tiring, often older, beast. Instinctively, they split left and right, sort of like Democrats and Republicans. They leave the poor, worn out, tired, sorry old piece of expendable meat to be devoured by the lioness.
Taryn is the ultimate wildebeeste. Overestimates her prowess, thinks she's ready to lead, but the pack recognizes her feeble, expendable sensibilities. Ripped to shreads by the hungry lioness.
So, friends and neighbors, how are your cubs, these days? Did they get enough to eat? There's plenty of wildebeeste flesh left to feed the entire village of Marstons Mills.
Then again, considering how unsavory of a character Taryn is, I can see why you've resorted to being vegetarians.
One sad reminder...did I mention Dennis is a vegetable?
Here is a sampling of general Thoman stupidity:Accusations of Voter Fraud/Thoman
From: mary clements (welcometobarnstable@live.com)
Sent: Sun 11/08/09 4:06 PM
To: macdonaldp@barnstablepolice.com; delaneym@barnstablepolice.com
Dear Chief MacDonald. As you can see, there is tremendous angst directed toward me over the blogs. Once again, I certainly respect the First Amendment. I am unsure that accusing a voter of insurance fraud and publishing this over the Internet is lawful. My understanding from law enforcement is that there were complaints by Taryn Thoman's insurance company that three suggested burglaries were an inside job. One of the officers suggested that Thoman was found with items on her person and in her car, after the third supposed break-in.
I'm sorry to hear that Taryn was let get away with insurance fraud. I am not inclined to take responsibility for the actions of Thoman. Unfortunately, for Taryn, and lucky for me, I was hospitalized for ten days and November 3rd is indeed a day of which I was an in-patient. There is no way I could vote illegally in Precinct 13. I am looking to see if Taryn sent someone into vote for charter commission report on that day.
The comments have been traced to Taryn's IP.
I would love to here what lunatic was dubbed Pino's campaign manager! I know an energetic and sincere supporter who hoped for victory, last Tuesday. COG distanced themselves from most lunacy. I always knew Lopez was Pino's manager. Personally, I think Pino had a damn good showing. He closed the gap remarkably since his last two runs.
Damaging Joakim politically is a work in progress. This is her last term. Agreed?
She could worm her way into a well paid hack's position with her "connections" and "experience". Pino's credibility and high favorability rating makes him victorious. Against Joakim, he's the furthest thing from a loser.
Posted by: Influence is a Commodity in Barnstable! | November 07, 2009 at 06:36 PM ("MARY'S ONLY COMMENT)
Mary Clements is the lunatic "campaign manager".
Posted by: you sewer, you brought her | November 07, 2009 at 09:18 PM
Mary Clements was living off Cape, but came down a few days before the election to make calls as Joe's campaign manager, and commit voter fraud by voting in Precinct 13from 75 Pearl Street. She was evicted from that address in August, and has not lived in Barnstable since.
She was at 4C's library telling folks she was Pino's campaign manager, and was asking for help to get around the precinct to knock on doors.
Ask the kids at the front desk at the library, they know all about Mary's obsession with Janet Joakim and her arch enemy from the sewer site.
Posted by: Lizzy | November 07, 2009 at 09:25 PM
Mary Clements is not the lunatic in question. She was not the woman that Joe Pino was confronted about at the precinct 6 polling place on election day.
Gary described the lunatic as being "more then half in the bag", Mary Clements does not drink.
Posted by: No fan of Milne | November 07, 2009 at 10:12 PM
Milne is a fucking asshole SHITBAG who can kneel down and kiss the ground that J. Julius walks on.
Posted by: Milne is a Jackass | November 07, 2009 at 10:43 PM
When Mary is off her meds, she sounds like a saucebag.
She screwed up the trial of that recall organizer with her fat stupid mouth, and she promised that she would "personally get rid of Joakim" for Joe Pino.
At the moment she is being investigated for voter fraud.
Posted by: you sewer, you brought her | November 08, 2009 at 06:45 AM
From: Barnstable Voter Add to Contacts
To: chief@barnstablepolice.com; CapeDA@Massmail.state.ma.us; council@town.barnstable.ma.us; tomrugo@comcast.net; janetjoakim@aol.com; rickbarry20@comcast.net; cobra8@comcast.net; milnecoffeehour@comcast.net; editor@barnstablepatriot.com; john.klimm@town.barnstable.ma.us
Please be advised that Ms. Mary Clements, formerly of 75 Pearl Street, voted in Barnstable on November 3rd as a registered voter of Precinct 13, residing at 75 Pearl Street.
Mary Clements was evicted by the Barnstable Housing Authority from her apartment in August, and now lives outside of the town of Barnstable.
Offences by Voters
Chapter 56: Section 26. Illegal voting or attempt to vote
Section 26. Whoever, knowing that he is not a qualified voter in any place, wilfully votes or attempts to vote therein; whoever votes or attempts to vote more than once on his own name, his name having been registered more than once; whoever votes or attempts to vote in more than one voting precinct or town, his name having been registered in more than one voting precinct or town; whoever votes or attempts to vote in any name other than his own, or knowingly casts or attempts to cast more than one ballot at one time of balloting; or whoever votes or attempts to vote otherwise illegally, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
Posted by: barnstable voter | November 08, 2009 at 11:32 AM
Another BORING rant.
Posted by: Truth | November 09, 2009 at 03:22 PM
Posted by: Mary Clements | November 10, 2009 at 05:51 AM (Posted by Taryn Thoman)
Mary I the 333 average views are for the four and a half year period I've been writing the blog (1,393 different posts), including the first year and a half when I averaged less than 200 per day. It also includes the cumulative five months that I did not post, but kept the blog open.
If you look at my recent activity,I'm averaging 450 page views per day without comments open.
If I opened comments that number would double because of people logging on two, three, four, and five times a day to read comments, and post their own.
For example if you read Schwaab's crap, you'll see that Rob Anderson comments four and five times a day, and John Julius; two and three times.
With my post there's no reason to log on a second time because nothing has changed.
I've posted 1,400 of the 1,625 days I've been open, and my average page view is based on 1,625.
Each time i quit posting, my page views dropped to 150 per day, which progressively increased after I started posting again.
Over the years many folks have asked me to email my posts because they travel.
As a consequence I email 143 BCC's of each post.
Posted by: Gary Lopez | November 10, 2009 at 09:50 AM
url center // November 10, 2009 at 09:24 | Reply
I heard Joe Pino is now lying about aking that Joakim recall lady for copies of all her petitions and voter list from the recall, and says he never asked her to talk to supporters of the recall.
There is some story about a “fake campaign manager” that supposedly started from town hall after he lost the election, and Joakim had nothing to do with it. Sounds more like Lopez.
The guy lost to Joakim three times before. Why is he blaming someone else for losing a 4th time?
I hope the recall organizer comes forward and rats Joe out for using all her info and then blaming her for his loss.
Hang it up Joe. You and Lopez are too old for this game.
barnstablesewers // November 10, 2009 at 10:29 | Reply
She might be angry, but she’s no rat. Nice try.
Up Stewart's Creek Without a Paddle // November 10, 2009 at 09:32 | Reply
Scan sent!
barnstablesewers // November 10, 2009 at 10:07 | Reply
Thanks. It looks like they want you to hand over your rights to your private road. Don’t do it!
Manni // November 10, 2009 at 09:49 | Reply
Pino’s campaign manager is a woman who works at town hall – it’s supposed to be some big secret, but it’s not. She is the one who started the stupid rumor so Joe could save some face.
After all, how would you like to lose to a low-life like Janet Joakim FOUR TIMES IN A ROW?!!
She said she saw that I’d voted for Joakim’s recall and wanted to know if I’d vote for Pino.
I said no, because Pino is too unpredictable. At least with Joakim, you know exactly how stupid her vote will be every single time.
My wife, son, his wife and I all stayed away from the polls because there was no good choice, again.
Barnstable Voter // November 10, 2009 at 10:40 | Reply
Both Joakim and Pino are scumbags. Hopefully the new charter will pass, and we can get some better talent in a few years.
I didn’t expect Pino or Carey to win, but I really thought Anderson had it in the bag.
Rugo is a shameless bigot, who went all over his district telling people sewers would never come to the lake.
If not them, then who? The town has announced they’re adding 5400 customers to town sewer. Who are they going to drive out of town next
Hey, Taryn, you stupid deadbeat, did I not tell you I would destroy you if it's the last thing I ever did? Touche, Taryn, Good Riddance, You IDIOT!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Poor Taryn Thoman! Barnstable's New Political Wildebeeste?
Whoops! She's done it again! Taryn Thoman, and her cloak and dagger antics, not only cost Citizens for Open Government a crucial election; she puts her fat, smelly, foot in her mouth, once again. Thoman has accused "moi" of voter fraud and has forwarded materials to public officials and law enforcement authorities. There is one distinct and crucial vote worthy of consideration. ONE VOTE! For passage of the newly formed, revised Barnstable Town Charter.
Taryn was unaware that I was hospitalized with a lesion to my right shoulder that needed to be excised and drained. Not only have I made four trips to the emergency room of Cape Cod Hospital in the past week, I was hospitalized for a number of reasons. There is no possible way at all for me to have voted in the November 3rd election.
Taryn Thoman is still "smarting" from a commanding loss of the Charter Commission vote. Taryn, technically is still reeeling from her loss in the charter commission race in 2007. Joakim pulled out every dirty stop in the book. She won. That's life, Taryn, get over it!
In a popularity contest, you last five minutes. The names fronting for you on your charter commission papers won't give you the time of day, now. Assistant Manager of the Town of Barnstable is cringing at your latest antic, Tina Carey is hiding her head in the sand, the Chillis are no longer ready and willing to provide "free babysitting", and Taryn, "The Penn" family is ready to cry! I can't even mention your name in the local Burger King.
Here's Taryn Thoman's latest specious threat! Is there no end to this woman's lunacy? Mary has been instructed by insiders in the Joakim camp to visit Barnstable Town Clerk, Linda Hutchenrider's Office with documentation of hospitalization. It is possible that there was one extra vote against the Charter. It appears at this point that Taryn Thoman sent in an imposter to vote in Precinct 13 @ 75 Pearl Street #2.
From: mary clements (welcometobarnstable@live.com)
Sent: Sun 11/08/09 1:26 PM
To: macdonaldp@barnstablepolice.com; taryn@tarynsmirror.com; capedamassmail.state.ma.uscouncil@town.barnstable.ma.us; tomrugo@comcast.net; janetjoakim@aol.com; rickbarry20@comcast.net; cobra8@comcast.net; milnecoffeehour@comcast.net; editor@barnstablepatriot.com; john.klimm@town.barnstable.ma.us
Good day, Chief!
Here is the latest antic of Taryn Thoman. I could not have possible voted in this election. I was hospitalized at Cape Cod Hospital for a surgical procedure on my right shoulder. I am going to forward any and all documentation from Cape Cod Hospital to indicate that I was receiving heavy doses of antibiotics during the voting hours and remained in the hospital overnight for the following three days.
Thank you.
barnstable voter said:
VOTER FRAUD From: Barnstable Voter Add to Contacts To: chief@barnstablepolice.com; CapeDA@Massmail.state.ma.us; council@town.barnstable.ma.us; tomrugo@comcast.net; janetjoakim@aol.com; rickbarry20@comcast.net; cobra8@comcast.net; milnecoffeehour@comcast.net; editor@barnstablepatriot.com; john.klimm@town.barnstable.ma.us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please be advised that Ms. Mary Clements, formerly of 75 Pearl Street, voted in Barnstable on November 3rd as a registered voter of Precinct 13, residing at 75 Pearl Street. Mary Clements was evicted by the Barnstable Housing Authority from her apartment in August, and now lives outside of the town of Barnstable. PART I. ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT TITLE VIII. ELECTIONS CHAPTER 56. VIOLATIONS OF ELECTION LAWS PENALTIES ON INDIVIDUALS FOR OFFENCES RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF PRIMARIES, CAUCUSES AND ELECTIONS Offences by Voters Chapter 56: Section 26. Illegal voting or attempt to vote Section 26. Whoever, knowing that he is not a qualified voter in any place, wilfully votes or attempts to vote therein; whoever votes or attempts to vote more than once on his own name, his name having been registered more than once; whoever votes or attempts to vote in more than one voting precinct or town, his name having been registered in more than one voting precinct or town; whoever votes or attempts to vote in any name other than his own, or knowingly casts or attempts to cast more than one ballot at one time of balloting; or whoever votes or attempts to vote otherwise illegally, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
Consider the sad story on slide show of poor Aidan Thoman Wilcox parenting. If this child isn't in need of a DSS complaint, I just don't know who is!
Talk about unsavory Democratic charachters. Thoman should be locked up for inane antics. This time, Councilor Janet Joakim may have her ass in a sling, for sure!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Faces of the Homeless
Still trying to fight the good fight, and win some battles with Housing Assistance Corporation. It's worth the effort. Negligence is negligence. It's time the organization "put up, or shut up"!
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
October 21, 2009
US. Attorney Michael Loucks
John Joseph Moakley
United States Federal Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 9200
Boston, MA 02210
October 21, 2009
Dear Attorney Loucks
Please consider correspondence and documents forwarded to The Office of the Attorney General, Martha Coakley. The materials refer to an ongoing investigation pertaining to negligent human services in the Town of Barnstable. Housing Assistance Corporation and associated agencies harbored a number of sex offenders, convicted felons and habitual narcotics offenders. Attorneys representing this organization planned an $11.5 million dollar farm project complete with two lavish homes for executives. District Attorney Michael O'Keefe and other local law enforcement agents were apprised of the negligent standard for human services and the constant compromise to public safety. The shelter complex in downtown Hyannis provided services to a number of known sex offenders and violent convicted felons and denied any threat to public safety of the organization in proximity to innocent women, men and vulnerable children. Executives of this organization and attorneys representing their interests planned experimental projects and controversial methods for provision of substandard services including liberal administration of narcotics to violent offenders.
Housing Assistance Corporations associated O'Neill and Duffy Clinic follow methods such as "Harm Reduction Theory" developed by Edith Springer and The Housing First Model devised by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and its Office of Policy Development and Research. Unfortunately, a number of rapes and homicides were traced to the organization and associated agencies. Executives and administration of Housing Assistance denied that any convicted felons, chronic and violent addicts and habitual sex offenders were known to this organization. District Attorney Michael O'Keefe not only sat on the Barnstable Human Service Needs Committee, but also accepted campaign contributions from human service providers entrusted with their care. 501C Tax Returns indicate that 94-97% of the organization's revenue is derived from public funds. Documents indicate Housing Assistance Corporation records revenue of $14,500 divided between seven sub-organizations and continued to plan an $11.5 million dollar experimental project without funding to safely organize and develop such a project. O'Keefe sat on the committees that planned these initiatives and was involved with the expansion of negligent services for offenders.
Some of the high profile homicides include the murder of Christa Worthington of Truro, Melissa Gosule of Boston, and Jonathan Wessner of Falmouth. Christopher H. Worthington, Esq. father of the homicide victim in Truro stated that I should consider myself a "material witness" in an ongoing investigation and that I should consider any and all materials relevant. Worthington confided in me that he had close ties to the Office of the Attorney General and connections with former Lieutenant Governor, Kerry Healy. He stated that he would approach the Office of the Attorney General with materials, documents and correspondence. I have enclosed the receipts for certified mail indicating that these materials were received. In addition the materials were forwarded to author Peter Manso and Stone Phillips of NBC Dateline. Seth Rolbein, Editor of The Cape Cod Voice indicates that I was the original source of the article published in the May edition of his magazine featuring an expose on Michael O'Keefe.
Please consider the material enclosed indicating that I was charged with criminal harassment of the Barnstable Police Department and the District Attorney's Office for forwarding extensive materials and controversial correspondence. I was recently evicted from an apartment covered by Section 8 Subsidy after several attempts were made for me to relocate failed and despite evidence indicating that my rent was fully paid. Kim Gomez and Sandra Perry of the Barnstable Housing Authority suggested that former Barnstable Housing Authority Executive Director Tom Lynch and former Town Council President Janet Swain Joakim insisted that I had been "less than grateful" for the housing services provided to me in Barnstable. I was told that the decision to remove my Section 8 Housing Voucher was based on my refusal to cooperate with treatment and comply with regulations put forth by the Section 8 Program.
A number of photographs, court records and documents are placed on a website and blog roll www.welcometobarnstable.com. The items demonstrate the conditions of my recent residences and tenancies in Barnstable. I have enclosed copies of some of the documents that indicate that my life was in jeopardy in these buildings and that I was also concerned because I had been told I was a material witness. A number of documents and materials including videotape, audiotape, photographs and court records and medical records remain in my possession. These materials have been collected over eight years and are too expensive and too extensive to forward. Several parties have offered me compensation for these materials including municipal figures in the Town of Barnstable. I have declined these offers because I was told to consider myself a "material witness". In addition, there were a number of attorneys who already had access to the information and much of the materials are secured on computer hardware in a number of places. Once again, a good amount of items including this correspondence is posted on www.welcometobarnstable.com.
There appears to be a multidisciplinary corruption probe that involves many departments. Some have suggested that there may be substantial evidence of "witness tampering" subsequent to the removal of my housing subsidy. I understand that the Attorney General Martha Coakley is also under investigation over campaign contributions. I have included the records from the Office of Campaign and Political Finance for District Attorney Michael O'Keefe and Senator Robert O'Leary for your review.
Would you look into this matter for me? Thank you for your time and consideration.
Very truly yours,
Mary Clements
Cc. Christopher H. Worthington
Judge Gregory Williams
Representative Stephen Lynch
John Klimm, Manager of the Town of Barnstable
Tom Lynch, Assistant Manager of the Town of Barnstable
Donna Ayala, Director for the Office of Public Housing
Kristine Foye, Regional Director of Housing and Urban Development
Robert Yablonski, Office of Revitalization of Housing and Urban Development
Sandra Perry, Director of the Barnstable Housing Authority
Kim Gomez, Leased Housing Coordinator
Sergeant Sean Sweeney, Public Relations Officer. Barnstable Police Department
Martha Coakley, Esq.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Time to Hire an Attorney was Yesterday! One Year Left Before the Statute of Limitations Runs Out!
Mary Clements
181 Onset Avenue
Onset, MA 02558
November 5, 2009
David R. Daly, Esq.
12A Mica Lane
Wellesley, MA 02481
Dear Mr. Daly,
Please consider the enclosed computerized disc that provides a video of my removal from the podium at the Barnstable Town Meetings of March 6th and March 21st. As you can see, the sitting Barnstable Town Council President objected to the content of the brief oration that compromised her stature and suggests impropriety on her part. I have enclosed a written text of my comments. There is nothing objectionable in the wording of the short speeches. The sitting Town Council President is objecting due to matters that point to impropriety on her part. Members of a group called Citizens for Open Government placed the film clips of the narrations on YouTube. There was extensive discussion in the media in regard to these events and on Internet websites. The item also generated articles in local news and media outlets.
I have also enclosed the response of my former Precinct Councilor J. Gregory Milne at a subsequent council meeting. Councilor Milne was advised by a number of his constituents and supporters that he should comment on my behalf and challenge the sitting Town Council President. I suggested to him personally that this was not necessary. Unfortunately, the former Barnstable Town Council President is aware of my diagnosis of emotional illness. President Joakim lobbied for expansion of a negligent human service industry despite my objections in 2003. Please refer to her Internet site comments and postings that refer publicly to my “mental illness”. President Joakim has a long history of embarrassing adversaries and publicly humiliating constituents that disagree with her. Not only were my rights to Free Speech violated, but Joakim proceeded to embarrass and humiliate me publicly over the Internet. Councilor Joakim, who narrowly beat an incumbent in the last municipal election threatened to post some of my medical records on her website.
The Barnstable Town Attorney, David Houghton, Esq. once suggested he would settle this matter out of court. Could you look into this for me?
Mary Clements
Removed from the podium twice for comments offensive to the sitting Barnstable Town Council President. Unfortunately, Taryn refers to her own child as a "Kid of Convenience" in several postings with her child's phograph published.
181 Onset Avenue
Onset, MA 02558
November 5, 2009
David R. Daly, Esq.
12A Mica Lane
Wellesley, MA 02481
Dear Mr. Daly,
Please consider the enclosed computerized disc that provides a video of my removal from the podium at the Barnstable Town Meetings of March 6th and March 21st. As you can see, the sitting Barnstable Town Council President objected to the content of the brief oration that compromised her stature and suggests impropriety on her part. I have enclosed a written text of my comments. There is nothing objectionable in the wording of the short speeches. The sitting Town Council President is objecting due to matters that point to impropriety on her part. Members of a group called Citizens for Open Government placed the film clips of the narrations on YouTube. There was extensive discussion in the media in regard to these events and on Internet websites. The item also generated articles in local news and media outlets.
I have also enclosed the response of my former Precinct Councilor J. Gregory Milne at a subsequent council meeting. Councilor Milne was advised by a number of his constituents and supporters that he should comment on my behalf and challenge the sitting Town Council President. I suggested to him personally that this was not necessary. Unfortunately, the former Barnstable Town Council President is aware of my diagnosis of emotional illness. President Joakim lobbied for expansion of a negligent human service industry despite my objections in 2003. Please refer to her Internet site comments and postings that refer publicly to my “mental illness”. President Joakim has a long history of embarrassing adversaries and publicly humiliating constituents that disagree with her. Not only were my rights to Free Speech violated, but Joakim proceeded to embarrass and humiliate me publicly over the Internet. Councilor Joakim, who narrowly beat an incumbent in the last municipal election threatened to post some of my medical records on her website.
The Barnstable Town Attorney, David Houghton, Esq. once suggested he would settle this matter out of court. Could you look into this for me?
Mary Clements
Removed from the podium twice for comments offensive to the sitting Barnstable Town Council President. Unfortunately, Taryn refers to her own child as a "Kid of Convenience" in several postings with her child's phograph published.
Taryn of the Toilets and Her Ilk! Lost Control of the Town Charter by ONE CRUCIAL VOTE!
Alas, the Queen of Cloacas, Taryn of the Toilets, has alienated the wrong person. Sure, Taryn Thoman emerged as a world class user...but in the end, she once again, falls short of her aspirations and dreams. Of course, Taryn's dreams are always a nightmare. Aspiration is another word for choking. Yes, choking in the clutch.
ONE LOUSY VOTE, and the COGGERS would have voted down the proposed newly developed, Barnstable Town Charter. No doubt, Taryn Thoman never considered that offending just one person would bring the demise of all efforts put forth by Citizen's for Open Government. Thoman lost control of herself during the recall election and subsequently forfeited her need to dominate with impugnity. Consider the items posted below. Thoman had little understanding of municipal politics and an overwhelming talent at non-meriorious litigation. Unfortunately, Eric Schwaab tagged her as the greatest "HOPE for BARNSTABLE". He hasn't achieved or accomplished one single objective since his memorable WATERLOO with Jim Munafo.
Posted below is the Clerk Magistrate's records of the events that lead to the Criminal Harassment Charge against her. You can see by the narrative posted below that Taryn Thoman is a lot of things. Unfortunately, bright is not one of them.
From the District Court:
0825AC300 THOMAN 9-19-08 (1A)
I called this matter a little after 4pm, no Atty had appeared. I informed Ms. THOMAN that the hearing would proceed with or without counsel-she indicated that Mr. Segadelli had some matters in other courts as well. The hearing began as the courtroom was cleared. All witnesses were sequestered. Sgt. Caido gave a brief overview of the case. A.D.A.E. Connor was also present. A full, complete and extensive hearing was held. Sometime during the hearing the A.D.A. received a call from Mr. Segadelli saying that he would not be coming. He said he had been in his office all afternoon and that although he had spoken to the defendant earlier in the day, he had not been retained.
Christine Howell was the first to testify and gave extensive testimony of various events from August 2008. She gave testimony of various events from August 2005 up till August 2008. She gave testimony about her experiences as well as her husband’s.
0825AC3008 THOMAN 9-19-08 (2A)
Officer Mark Delaney was next to testify. He talked about how he first got involved with the parties (neighbors) back in 2006. He also gave testimony about events he was involved in with the parties.
Based on his testimony and that of Ms. Howell I did not hear from Mr. Howell, believing that his testimony would be duplicitous at this point.
I then allowed Ms. THOMAN to present witnesses. Her first witness was her husband D. Wilcox. He was followed by his old boss, R. HAYES. Mr. Hayes had no direct knowledge of any of the issues before the court. Mr. LOPEZ was her final witness. He also didn’t have much to add other than he believed Ms. THOMAN was responsible for putting a video of Ms. Howell on U-Tube.
Ms.THOMAN was then given the opportunity to speak. At some point during the hearing, I did ask Ms. THOMAN if she was O.K. She said she was, although she would waive a large baggie full of apparent prescriptions in the air every once in a while. In a prior motion she had put forth
0825AC3008 THOMAN 9-19-08 (3A)
that she had immediate medical issues. I asked her several times about them and any doctor’s letters she might have, but she failed to produce anything.
I also asked her if she was on any medication today which would cloud her thinking. She said “no!” I asked her if she was under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs today and she said “No!”
I believe that Ms. THOMAN was a competent witness and I allowed her to continue her testimony.
At the conclusion of all the testimony, about 21/2 hours after it began I was given some additional papers from both Ms. THOMAN and Ms. Howell.
I took all the paperwork and my copius notes along with the file. This matter is “Under Advisement.”
Once Again, Taryn Thoman flopping at the Recall. For your viewing enjoyment!
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
July 23, 2008
David Still II
The Barnstable Patriot
4 Ocean Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Dear Mr. Still,
There are significant developments and complications in regard to the current recall effort designed to remove President Janet Swain Joakim from office. You may be aware that a number of attorneys with interests in public safety are examining the convolutions of human services with law enforcement. I have been advised that the information forwarded to multiple parties has proved to be credible. In addition, I have been asked to remain in Barnstable in regard to an ongoing matter.
Parties with interests in public safety are utilizing conventional means to record impropriety in Barnstable. This includes monitoring all communication including Internet and telephone. Unfortunately, recall initiator assistant Taryn Thoman has engaged in gross illegality that included suggestions of “breaking into Joakim’s home and removing her computer system. Thoman was attempting to confirm the identity of the author of www.barnstablebeatblog.com. Ms. Thoman stated that this would be east to do as Joakim does not have the “surveillance cameras” that she does. She suggested that it would be easy to break hire a couple of thugs to break in through a window of Joakim’s home at 206 Donegal Circle. This exchange was recorded. Ms. Thoman abruptly terminated this telephone conversation when I became extremely upset. I emailed her later that day and printed a copy of the correspondence. Thoman emailed me in return and I saved her written response. Taryn Thoman replied that she hoped the conversation was recorded so that “they will stop attacking” her family”. I am sure that you now understand the urgency by which I was trying to establish the identity of TJ. Taryn Thoman suggested that you confirmed that you graduated from Barnstable High School with “TJ” and that he was about your age. Thoman has contacted the school library and has asked to see the photographs of your graduating class. She states that you are forty-one years of age and graduated in 1985. She also suggested that I go in to the school and research this matter. She stated that she would make arrangements.
I noted that Thoman was leaving my name to postings one day from a public computer terminal that she suggested we should use to protect anonymity. I discovered that she registered several sites to my name. She was harassing Janet Joakim and Christine Howell. She insisted on setting my domain name for www.barnstablesafetynetwork.com and retained all of my passwords and security information, and credit card numbers handy. She insisted on obtaining my social security number and stated that she needed it to confirm it to set up my website. Much of the start of my website was done from the Centerville Library. Taryn accompanied me to this library after the memorial for Peter Doiron held on April 5th at the adjacent church. Thoman insisted that her life was in danger and her blogging efforts were to protect her health, welfare and safety as she attempted the recall of President Janet Swain Joakim. She also suggested that my health, welfare and safety were also endangered because of the “hostilities created” by President Joakim.
Ms. Thoman set up my email accounts and retained the passwords. She insisted on asking me each time I changed my password to confide what the new password was so she could work on my site. She was reading my email and posting onto the site with passwords and information she retained in her possession. Last Sunday night, I noticed that the passwords kept changing on my email site. Thoman was reading the email and changing the passwords with the data provided when she set up the account. My sister logged onto my blog and discovered that the blog and moved to a “registered only” viewer site. She changed the information on my email account so that I cannot access my email. Thoman had previously floated disturbing and obscene graphics onto my site and stated that I should post them. She claimed Seth Rolbein of the Cape Cod Voice emailed them to her and that they were being floated around as a joke. Thoman suggested that Rolbein stole her satire ideas for the graphic of Michael O’Keefe used on the cover of his magazine, after the outstanding job she had done on the Osama Bin Laden graphic. As you know, Taryn was one of the bloggers featured in a past issue of the Voice. I contacted the Cybercrimes Unit of the Attorney General’s Office and reported the offensive graphics to Trooper Corey Daelhstadt. I also forwarded them to Chief Paul MacDonald and gave Daelhstadt the contact number for Ruth Weil’s Office.
Arlene Crosby of the Duffy Clinic reviewed the graphics with me and expressed how disturbing they were to her. My younger sister viewed them and stated that Thoman must be sick. She transferred them to my family’s desktop so they could be forwarded to my family’s attorney. President Janet Joakim was forewarned that disturbing graphics were being floated around the Internet. Thoman suggested that I use this to gain support for Joakim’s inability to negotiate and her reneging on her promise to meet and discuss the topics maturely. Much of the scurrilous libel of me was precipitated by Joakim.
Ms. Taryn Thoman had me collect the majority of the signatures for both “Open Meeting” and the Recall effort. At times, she was extremely aggressive and did shove the clipboard in the face of an elderly lady, left, and went to the car. The elderly woman’s daughter had “power of attorney” and happened to call while Thoman and I were at the door. The elderly woman forgot about the clipboard while she was talking to her daughter. She finally signed after stating she was blind. I suggested to Thoman that we remove this signature. She refused.
Ms. Thoman was shaking and intimidated by you at one point, stating that you had accused her of harassing Joakim. I assumed as much fault and blame as possible, as Thoman kept claiming her child was being harmed by these events. I recall writing to you and claiming responsibility for Joakim’s actions.
I told Trooper Daehlstadt of the Attorney General’s Office that I would not turn on Thoman as she is obviously a distressed mother. I reviewed the comments posted on www.sevenvillagesblog.com last February and saved President Joakim’s site on removable hardware before she was told to sanitize it. I saved and printed my own website and have made multiple copies of the site.
Taryn Thoman completely collapsed my website on Monday morning without my permission or knowledge. I have contacted the Cybercrimes Unit of the Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in relation to my concerns regarding Thoman.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Mary Clements
Taryn admitted on July 17, 2008, that the allegation she made of children in her neighborhood harassing, bullying and molesting her son were false. Thoman had ingested substantial amount of liquor, telephoned Jeannette Chilli, wife of Joe Chilli to transport her child home from an evening babysitting, and told me she was going home to have Dennis "cook up" something for her. She also admitted that the litigation against her neighbors, Christine and Ron Howell was done out of retaliation for their refusal to cooperate in an accusation against an eight year old neighbor.
...and folks, Taryn Thoman is the pure reason COG fell short in all of their initiatives.
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