After twenty years of explaining that I witnessed the planning of the biggest corruption scandal of all time, I can see how the populace lost it! Democrats and Republicans fell for the biggest dupe of all time! It has indeed been confirmed by the CIA that Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden. Too bad, for Leon Panetta. He didn't have much of a choice other than to admit it. You may be aware of items vital not only to national security, but global security that now compromise the earth as we know it.
Ultimately, world leaders are responsible for the inability to respect an Act of God, and admit the truth in 2003. Records, photographs, and other video are in my possession that clearly demonstrate that the scandal involved high level government officials including George Herbert Walker Bush, Former Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, and a number of aspiring political wannabes including Ferdinand C. Mauet, Esq. and Lawrence E. Hardoon. Apparently, it was decided that selling weapons to Palestinians would ultimately save the planet. Pope John Paul II was also apprised. I'm not sure if anyone ever explained to him that extortion was amoral? Cardinal O'Malley declined to resolve the issue. Evidently he decided large sums of money, another cover-up, and a chance to be pope some day would be best for "him"!
Gene Pokorny, former Campaign Manager for George McGovern and his wife, Margaret Standish Pokorny former Coordinator of Social Services for Playboy Magazine were also present when the scandal was planned. Margaret read pornography to her two darling children, Katherine and Michael back in the day. Of course, placing the publication in the "Buddenbrooks" Bookstore to help other children understand that porno was "normal" wasn't exactly legal.
Micho Spring, Deputy Mayor under Kevin White was present. Did I mention Caitlin White, my former college roomate mentioned her often? Why yes, Eddie Griffin was a dear friend of old Joe White, Kevin's dad? My grandfather's law partner, David Daly, Esq. spent seventeen years in Saudi Arabia and was Counsel to the family of Osama bin Laden. Many letters were written to Mr. Daly in regard to the homeless crisis here in Hyannis. Unfortunately, Osama bin Laden is Barack Obama. Weapons of Mass Destruction have been located. Problem is, nobody cares!
We are trying to stave off terrorist attacks right now, and personally, after what I've been through, I don't care whether we do, or whether we don't. Anybody need a better job, now? Can I have my wedding, now? How about my peace of mind and my salvation? Any takers acknowledging my right to my own happiness?
Photographs of the children of families that perpetuated this scandal are in my possession. Records of the event that included exploitation and extortion of public figures are also in my possession. Communication with the CIA indicates that Leon Panetta and Hilary Clinton are aware of the scandal. Consider the video posted below in reference to the "health care debate". Do me a favor, and girls, don't ever let your obnoxious older sister ever date a rogue CIA agent! This is how it all began! Personally, I like the Barnstable Police Officer that stood by my side and helped figure out the scheme and the extent of the cover-up!
By the way, anybody figure out why Chelsea Clinton's wedding was called off? Was it just unlucky happenstance that Teddy Bare bit the dust that weekend? Maybe when it comes to the insult to the Holy Family, payback is a bitch! Unfortunately, it sure is turning into name dropper city around here!
In God We Trust!
1) There had to be a reason as to why government officials declined to investigate a clear case of local corruption. It took me awhile to obtain most of the medical and "psychiatric" records that indicate I complained about the planning of a terrorist plot to responsible parties in 1990.
2) There was a reason as to why major homicide cases, impropriety, and influence peddling were not investigated. Congratulations to the Democrats! You got a major terrorist elected. Great work, Laura Bush and your foolish first daughters. If you hadn't stood in the way of my happiness, we wouldn't be kissing the ass of the biggest terrorist of all time. Hussein around here!
Mary Clements
75 Pearl Street #2
Hyannis, MA 02601
July 15, 2007
Mr. Christopher Worthington
15 Castle Hill Road
East Weymouth, MA 02189
Dear Mr. Worthington,
A substantial number of documents have been forwarded to you in the past confirming that there were a number of homicides related to Housing Assistance Corporation’s NOAH Shelter. A significant number of violent offenders were well known to local law enforcement and the District Attorney’s Office. Many, if not most were diverted into treatment for non-violent offenders. As you know, Christopher McCowen, the perpetrator convicted in the rape and homicide of your daughter was diverted into psychiatric services, therapy and narcotics treatment for non-violent offenders prior to the homicide and subsequent to the homicide of Christa.
I recently had an opportunity to interview several clients who had knowledge of homicides that occurred over the past ten years. I only became aware of the substandard quality of services to compromised individuals in 2001. It appears that there were a number of violent incidents and homicides prior to my arrival in Hyannis in 2001. Clients were told not to discuss the events. Clients who continued to remark and record these events and complain to public officials about the poor standard for services were subsequently banned from the shelter premises.
I have included the death certificates of twenty individuals who died of homicide. I recorded notes from three sources that do not wish to be identified. I researched the information provided and verified their accounts of violence related to narcotics abuse and copies of my notes are enclosed. As you know, credibility is a factor in verifying reports made by clients compromised by mental or emotional illness, narcotics addiction and alcoholism. Two attorneys that I spoke with in the year 2002 suggested to me that compromised clients can be abused discredited and ultimately exploited in such a system. The organizations entrusted with their care have benefited financially by ignoring significant problems with services.
I am currently researching two other violent homicides that occurred well over ten years ago. The District Attorney’s Office was well aware that violent homicide was a result of poor rehabilitation and services years before the death of your daughter. First Assistant District Attorney Michael O’Keefe was well aware of the substandard and negligent services that were provided by the local human service establishments. He sat on the Barnstable Human Service Needs Committee and on the Subcommittee for Public Safety established in 2001. He proceeded to take a number of campaign contributions despite the evidence of negligent homicide and depraved indifference attributed to the substandard services of the local homeless shelter. Campaign contributions poured in as far back as 2002 as he was running for District Attorney after the retirement of Philip Rollins. O’Keefe also continued accepting campaign contributions and spoke in favor of expansion of facilities and funding for organizations consistently providing such negligent services in 2003.
I have forwarded the structure of the human service providers sitting on the Barnstable Human Service Needs Committee Meetings and those service providers do include Cape Cod Hospital, Cape Cod Psychiatric Services and Gosnold, Inc. The three providers are responsible for services being provided to Christopher McCowen convicted in the rape/homicide of your daughter. Please note that local law enforcement sponsored a Blue Ribbon Round Table hosted in part by Chief Paul McDonald of the Barnstable Police Department. Recently retired Judge Joseph Reardon attended the symposium accompanied by Ray Tamasi, CEO of Gosnold, Inc. Tamasi donated heavily to Michael O’Keefe’s election campaign and Gosnold is the narcotics treatment facility of which Christopher McCowen was a patient. Judge Reardon is responsible for diverting McCowen into Drug Court and into treatment for non-violent offenders three years after the murder of Christa.
Lastly, I am researching items pertaining to police corruption and will forward documents confirming my allegations.
Mary Clements
Just remember! It was a cop and nurse that unravelled the plot! AGAIN!